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PvP Bounty Board?


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Don't know if this has been restated somewhere, but here goes.


How about for the BBA event, we include a PvP aspect to it where players can mutually agree to bounties? Of course, considering the differences between PvP servers to RP or PvE servers, here's my idea on how this could function:


In order to post a bounty, the hiring player needs to activate a certain terminal and place a certain amount of credits up for an existing character, along with possibly a little message/info behind the listing (Could be cool for RPers, potentially abused by immature kids). That character will then receive an in game mail, where the bounty listed will not be posted on the listings unless the player targeted confirms the bounty and the bounty message, agreeing to be "hunted".


Secondly, in order to keep the aspect of friendly and fun combat on servers NOT designated for PvP, the only way to collect on a bounty should be from defeating the "prey" in a duel, not if you find them randomly flagged in the world. This is where the PvP servers can differ, since "prey" will be fair game on servers where you can get handled in the open world (although, same faction hunting will be more difficult than cross faction on these servers).



Edited by ZooMzy
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