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MOBA-style battlegrounds


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I think it would be great to add some PvP areas to the game that are set up like Massive-Online-Battle-Arena (MOBA) games similar to DoTA, League of Legends, or SMITE.


If you're not familiar with MOBA games, there are two opposing teams whose goal is to destroy their enemy's base to win. Typically, there is one main structure which must be destroyed to win, though destroying other structures within the opposing team's base may confer other benefits. Defensive structures (i.e. big turrets) are in place to prevent this, as well as relatively weak computer-controlled units which periodically spawn at each base and travel down predefined paths toward the opposing team's base.


Without player intervention these NPCs will remain in a stalemate around the middle of the map. Players would have to fight the enemy's NPCs (and enemy players) to tip the balance and push toward the enemy base. The NPCs of a team on the defensive should also start scaling up gradually as the other team gets closer. The first side that manages to destroy the enemy base wins.


There could be multiple forms of this. This could be a warzone type, perhaps 4v4. The NPCs involved would make up for the smaller team size. Or larger scale 8v8 MOBA warzones. Or a mix of the two.


There could also be open PvP areas added to the game using this model. They could be added to existing planets similar to how Black Hole is accessed on Corellia and Section X is accessed on Belsavis. These areas could be in a constant state of war between the two bases, and any number of players could drop in at will to tip the balance. Once one side wins in one of these areas, it resets after a cooldown of say... 30 minutes or so.


One possible scenario is Illum. The Gree could be conducting another experiment, pitting two teams against eachother and spawning gree droids at each base.


Another scenario could be a Republic and Imperial capital ship attempting to board each other. Each team has to push onto the other team's ship and destroy the critical systems to win.


A third scenario could be on some war-torn world like Balmorra or Denova (I'm not saying those particular planets, but something along those lines), and both teams have artillery bases overlooking no-mans land that. Each team fights through trenches toward the other team's base. It is possible to go climb out of the trenches, but anyone who does so risks being killed by the artillery or NPC-snipers from the enemy base.

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