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[Empire] <The Ministry> is recruiting - Social, fun and progression :)


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And a jolly dose of humour :)


We are primarily a social guild (TS required for full membership privileges) with a whole bunch of people from all over the place (Poland, Sweden, France, UK, Denmark... etc) with different backgrounds --> During the peak hours (dinner time till midnight, longer on weekends) we are around 15-25 people connected on TS and usually around 25-35 regular players online.


Key points of our Guild:


-This is a game - for us its about having fun and enjoying the content with other people :)

-No hardcore requirements (Hours to be connected etc)

-Ranked PVP Arenas organized on a daily basis

-At least 3 organized 16m OPs a week to gear people and another 1-2 unorganized 16m OPs based on mood and availability

-We are also looking to complete our 8man progression roster (lots of ex-hardcore players joined us for a less stressful environment)

-We have GTN geeks and crafters (need a 72 hilt?)

-We have a guild bank accessible to all full members

-Guild forum with tips/advice, raid schedules etc

-We're not a complete sausage fest - girls are welcome ;)


As you can see there is stuff going on for all types of players from the casual to the non-hardcore progression players...


We mostly ask for a little maturity, honesty, a sense of humor, and correct ethical behavior regarding other players (non-guild and guild mates).


If you have that and think we got what you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us here or in game:



Gilgamesha (my main)

Loraak (my alt who i'm mostly connected on these days) -connected most of the day on weekends, 8pm brit time on weekdays



See you in game!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys,


Our guild, is currently recruiting people that are ready to raid 8man and 16m HM Operations. We're trying to set up a weekly squad and a weekend squad based on availabilities. Alts are also welcome into the guild.


Our progression so far is:

All story mode content cleared in 8m and 16m

8m TFB HM 3/5

8m SnV HM 6/7

16m SnV HM 7/7

8m DF HM 3/5


It is important to note that our guild was until 3 weeks ago a social guild just organizing weekly 16m OPs on SM and having a no stress and all fun sort of environment. Now we are still a social guild (Can't live without them laughs on TS) with a big focus on end game content clearing so this is our progression over the last 2 weeks actually.


If you got the ambitions of downing HM/NiM end game content with a chill environment but do not wish to join a hard core guild... then we may be what you are looking for :)we believe that progression and FUN can be mixed. It's our guild philosophy!

Edited by SDconqueror
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  • 2 weeks later...

We are now currently looking for 1 tank, and a couple of DPS for our 2nd squad OPs team.


Raiding times are usually at around 8pm GMT (british time). Raiding days are however flexible based on availabilities of 2nd squad members, in other words, you guys in the 2nd squad organize your raiding time.


Mentality is the most important aspect of the members we're looking for: Punctual if signed up for the OPs, mature, fun and achievement oriented (TS required as usual). Gear is of no issue as we can take care of that.

Ideally someone who loves to lead, and is good at it :) Experience is also not an issue, as you gain that by playing.


We are however still and always recruiting social players of all levels and all classes.. and if interested can later be part of our OPs teams :)


You may contact the same people mentioned in first thread or message us on here so we can whisper you!


See you in game :)

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