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Solo Q Ranked Night (25 October @ 8.00 PM GMT)


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Since the event on Tuesday has been a great success, I want propose another one. This time, will be on Friday Night, so people would be more interested in joining.


What is this Event?


Since Arena on this server has been a great fiasco (5 days after the 2.4 patch nobody was queuing anymore) we're trying to encourage more people to play Arenas. On our server facing premades could be really demotivating, but with the solo Q the randomizing system group would give the chance to win to both sides.


At What time does it starts? How can I join?


It's starting on Friday 25 of October at 08.00 PM GMT (09.00 PM CEST). Joining the event is really simple, when the time starts, you just put yourself in Solo Q Ranked!


Any Particular Rule in this event?


Not really. We're just asking some CIVIL rules to have all fun and try to give a good evening to everybody who will choose to attend the event. So that's what we ask :


- Maturity : This is not an event to have competition or where you have to show your Epeen. We don't accept insults/trolling/bad emotes on the enemy or team members. We ask to the participants a really mature behaviour. Instead of insulting their teammembers we hope they will help them! Also, we expect a lot of maturity with the opposition too! If you're pissed off because you've lost a game, don't say anything in OPS chat and in /say chat. Just chill until your rage is expired and then Queue again. Since this is a SOLO Ranked Event, the random factor is a key and you have to deal with it.


- Will To Learn : We said that we want maturity from players that are skilled or at least they know what to do in a Warzone/Arena. Who will join the event for the first time, or at least doesen't do PvP Often, will have the chance to learn so he can Improove for the future! So, please, listen the veteran players! If they ask you to focus a target or guarding your healer or using taunts even if you're a DPS, please do it, these things are really important, and If a veteran player says so, means that it works. He doesen't want to show you his epeen, but he's trying to addressing the team to the victory!


- Don't Expect Easy wins : Since there is a random factor in Solo Q PvP, please put apart your ego. You will lose some games and you will win some games. Don't go on the other side trying to say "If we had a better healer or a better tank we would win that game..." Just enjoy a win or a lose. The important thing is that the newbie guys who're joining this event for their first time had learnt something more, so next time they will be better teammates. Don't be harsh, and be polite. **** happens, we know, and as I said, this is a fun event!


- Try to get some pvp gear : It's not a must, but is really adviced! If you come full PvE gear into an arena against people that know what they do, you'll be really really squishy! It won't be fun, neither for you, neither for your team! Try to get some Conqueror gear (doing normal WZ) and try to have at least as more Expertise you can! More expertise means a lot of things, like being less squishy > less quishy means that you can survive longer > that means you can have more fun even if you lose a game!


- Don't Sync Q or Queue as a Team : Please, don't try to syncronize Queues or try to Q as a premade. We want to keep up these events, at least once a week, so at least the solo Ranked Q on our server will be less feared and more people will join. Queing as a premade against Randoms and PUGs won't proove any skills, but only a bad behaviour and a bad maturity. Try to enjoy the event for what is it!


- Don't Stack all the veterans/good players on one side : We know that on both sides there are lot of good/veteran players and they might have alts. Don't try to be the fairweather and join the stronger side with many good people, stay where you're needed and try to teach and carry the unexperienced people. Blaming pugs won't make you a better player, being a good leader, instead, it will. If you see that one of both sides is struggling, be mature and switch side and try to give to the good players on the opposition some competition. I don't like easy wins, and a true PvP'er shouldn't enjoy a steamrolling :)


- Have fun : A lot of people forget this rule. We're organizing this to have fun, not to prove anything. So please keep your rage out, don't insult people and don't blame them. Try to be a good leader, try to fill the missing roles (if you're angry with the matchmaking because continue giving you 4 DPS, respec tank or healer and try to be the guy who can change the sort of a game!). More maturity, means more fun, and more people will be less afraid to Queue for solo Ranked!


What if anyone breaks these rules?


Since there is nothing that players can do to "punish" a bad behaviour, try to speak with a veteran player and signal the guy or the guys who are breaking the rules. We'll try to speak with them and explain why we're trying to keep the environment balanced and fine between eachother. If these guys or this guy continue in his bad behaviour leave the games! (I remember that the Rank will be cleansed on the 29 of October when BioWare is introducing the season one!) After a lot of time that those guys aren't having a properly opposition I guess they're stopping to Q, otherwise the veteran players can intervene, like building a premade to face them.


How can I communicate with other players that are doing arenas?


There have been created the "Arenas" channels on both sides! Type /cjoin Arenas to join the channel of your faction!


Is that all?


Pretty much, yes. Post below every suggestion or idea that you have. This isn't a closed event and we want hear the voice of the community, so don't be Shy!




I know, my English is Horrible, if any motherlanguage feels so kind, he can edit the post and send me trough a PM the corrected version of it, and I'll edit!

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