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LFG for top-tier content.


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Lvl 55 mDmg LFGF clring NItmode teror/scmnvillny, dred entity for the orb, and HMode dred fort to gear up for HMode dred pal and haytful essenc, in turn, to gear up for NITmode dred fort/pal when they hit and w/e the next secret bos/es is/are and dwn/clr em wrld first to vindicate trolish treatment ey've received. PM if can facilitate this.


Pros: Am virtually always on, nice, up for guiding/helping lower lvls thru stuff and answering questions they may have, passionate about this gam, spent way too much money, time, and sweat here and taken too much abuse for anything less then to be among the best (strong drive), know mey build (a Vig-spec'd JK Grd deeps since pre-launch) and rotation and am skilled at it if ey do say so for mself.


Cons: Pref not to join a grp's pRse/stat counter until lat least accomplish 1 significant task w/o being in one, Pref not to have a gild's tag (gild name) on mey nameplate unless a combo of several things happen/at least right now, and pref to be told if, when, and how r run will be vid recorded (have no problm being in voiceovr tho, am fine w/ that) and if it's for private use or posting, and where if so. Also, pref not to spel certain select words out correctly for multiple reasons, none of which r to trol others, ey'm not a trol, again.


Thx for readin'!

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No, no, ey said ey'm fine w/ using and getting into voiceovr's like tspeak, ey pref it actually, ey said again ey just pref to be told if r run will be VID recorded and if voiceovr will be included in that vid and if it'll be posted somewhere or not, that's all, and ey'm open to pRsing after do at least 1 notable accomplishment w/o it. Edited by JonnyMadDog
Correct typo.
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Also, besides LFGsF gear to prep for clring NITmode dred fort/pal wrld first and w/e secret bos/es to come, ey also WTB any skip tracr crates one may have to sell, PM if yaz got a grp for said content and/or have something of value from said set of packs or a crate of 'em for sale to discuss a deal. Thx for readn.
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If moking...go bak to yr bridge, if legit...Nah thx not buyin indiv. packs atm, at least for that much, on another servr they were 600k still each recently bought some, busts, am LF crates of em, hyprcrates, PM to discuss deals on those. Tho likely bought the last 3 this servr JC has to offer, might as well check for more at least. Edited by JonnyMadDog
Edit typo.
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With it being the beginning of this wek and reset coming up, many grps will be rushing to finish their lockouts by reset and then get into new progression grps after it, so ey'm reiterating again ey'm still a mDmg LFGF top-tier content to gear up for incoming content tobe done wrld first and also still LTB any rare,discontinued items, particularly skip tracr crates, if anyone has a crate, an item of value, or the like to discuss an offer for it, and/or have a spot in a grp for said content plz don't hesitate to PM/whispr/mail to discuss.


Am usually on frequently and for prolongued periods of time and will bang mey hed against the wall in ops till they're finished so don't have to woree bout quittin ovr a wipe in one, exceptions to this are when reel lyf issues pop up/events that sorta trump this come up, in which will try to give a hed's up notice prior to said event.


Thx for readn!

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