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Looking for a Imp guild


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returning player here. I am looking for a Guild to call home. I have been leveling up 3 different toons, all 3 are level 11. I have a sorc(plan to be a healer), a PT BH(plan to be a tank), and a Sniper.


I played many MMOS and I look now to swtor because I am tired of Rift and WoW. I did play swtor back when it released but did not do much do to some bugs. I am not much of an RP, but I play on RP realms because I feel that Players on Rp servers are a better kind of player. I am available most nights for events. HOW EVER, I am a church going man and a Married man, and church life and my wife take 100% priority over anyone or anything else.


I hope i can find a home and enjoy this great game with others!


My in game names are Xôd, Teralax, and Tolkosh.

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Hi - If you are still looking for a guild maybe Dendarii Mercenary Fleet could be a fit for you. Most of us have families and real life obligations as well so we know where you are coming from. Between our guild and those we are aligned with we usually have something going on every night.


You can check out our guild site at http://dendarii.enjin.com or look for Rixbo, Foxbat, Aztul, Demmiel, or Ninjashibal in game.


Good luck and let us know if you have any questions.

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Yes, I heard about a RP alliance we were working out with you but have not received all the details yet. I assume that the GM's are still working out the specifics.


You guys are also invited to join Rising for our Trolololween weekend. We're gonna attack rando things and yell out TRICK OR TREAT into chat.......:p

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