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Cinematic - Return


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In the cinematic 'Return' that we were all treated to on first starting the game, the main figures are Darth Malgus (Sith Warrior), Satele Shan (Jedi Consular, I presume), Jace Malcolm (Trooper, then leader of Havoc Squad), along with both Malgus' and Satele's masters, Lord Vindican (Sith Inquisitor, I presume) and Battle Master Kao-Cen Darach (Jedi Knight) respectively, according to a lore article on Darth Hater.


Does anyone know the name of the Smuggler character in the cinematic? The one with such lines as, "Ahem. Well, guess who's got the fastest ship in the sector?"


Excuse the enlarged font. My eyes are getting very picky about teeny-tiny font.size.

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