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Server Issue: Error 9000


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Error 9000 is an error code I receive consistently at erratic times. I’ll get it non-stop for a few nights, not see it for two weeks, and then it will begin again. From other threads I’ve read, this issue can be derived from server to ISP problems, particularly with Comcast customers like me. To put this simply, this isn’t an issue on my end. The problem lies between Comcast and the SWTOR network.


I do not have a poor connection when doing any other activity on my computer at any time. I am the only one utilizing my internet so there isn’t anyone in my house causing the issue. My ISP has come out and looked at the setup to find nothing wrong. My internet has been recently upgraded, so there isn’t a lack of “power.” The only time I have any connection issues is when I’m playing SWTOR at completely unpredictable time periods.


I can be playing on off hours with a low population and disconnect, I can play for three hours or three minutes and disconnect, and these disconnecting periods can last for two hours or two days where I’m unable to play. This is a problem that I’ve encountered for the past two years, and with time it’s only gotten worse.


I’ve read numerous threads that attempted to solve this issue and tried all the fixes myself with nothing to show for it. When I submit in-game tickets, customer service just informs me that it’s my problem or that they’ll “look into it.” Talking to others about the issue comes to the same conclusion, that they’re Comcast customers and cannot do anything on their own PC to remedy this.


I’m tired of error 9000, Customer Service, and BioWare’s treatment of this server side issue. Paying for a service where I’m at the mercy of an invisible force that dictates when I can and can’t play the game is absurd. Letting my friends and teammates down by disconnecting during warzones, Operations, and other group content is getting more and more frustrating. I can’t even level other characters alone anymore as I’ll just disconnect while questing.


The purpose of this message is that I hope someone at BioWare reads this and takes this problem to the person/team that can fix it so that those who are stuck in my position will be able to enjoy the game without random disconnects one day. As for myself, BioWare is losing me as a faithful subscriber. I was here for the early guild formation, public beta-testing, early access, launch, and paid my $15 a month all the way until now. As an owner of a collector’s edition, and admittedly a few thousand Cartel Coins that I purchased, it is a shame BioWare has convinced me to take my money elsewhere.


~Angelfluttershy of The Harbinger server

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