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Was quitting WoW worth it?


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In the beginning of World of Warcraft, there was pvp in Hillsbrad/southshore mostly..

Until bg's came. On Ravencrest EU - Alliance did win 1 AV each week.. After a 12/24 hour battle.

Yes wow PvP has come along way, what is ruin the game is, that they have mainstreamed it too much..


I have been doing abit world pvp on tattooine today, I was ravaged - but it was still fun!



On the subject of WOW's world pvp death, I've never seen anything better than this:


WOW's world pvp is mostly a graveyard of what could have been. Those old epic battles have long been gone. Most of the current WOW players don't even know what used to exist.


Then again some people just enjoy queing in capital cities. WOW players don't like risking world pvp on their pvp servers. It is weird, but it is what it is.


Edited by Laylyn
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I hate how everyone compares WoW's first week to ToR's first week.


It's SEVEN years later. Bioware should have taken all of WoW's mistakes and improved upon them, instead of repeating them in a brand new game. Hardware is better than what WoW's was, and they should have anticipated the hype and server demands.


They should have taken everything into account, balanced better, fixed the issues for PVP. They also should've done a real beta test, instead of the weekend teasers. People where to busy trying to cram as much in as possible to do real bug testing.


Alas, though, Bioware is good at Story Telling. They don't really have a dossier for multiplayer or PVP of any kind, so, this may be the afterthought of the game. While, currently, it is far *******r than WoW in many regards, give Bioware sometime.


Or, do what I'm doing, and play both. Playing ToR is like playing an RPG for me, with the occasional PVP and Dungeon thrown in :D

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