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When will they finally implement a "NEED FOR COMP" to prevent so much Ninja looting?


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If AIM based gear drops, you should NOT be able to roll NEED on it if you play a WIS mainstat class. Period.


Umm, why does/should EVERY other single player have to play by YOUR definition of fair loot rules.


Regardless of what I, you or anyone else on these forums or in-game feels about what is fair for rolling on loot, YOU do not get to make the law for every other person playing this game.

Seriously, just get over yourself (or yourselves for anyone agreeing with that stance.)


People, it's really simple. Somewhere in your UI is a thing called a chat window. In that window you can, oh I don't know ... that thing that people do while swerving all over the road ... oh yeah, type text to one another. You know ...

C O M M U N I C A T E.


At the beginning of the run, if nobody in the group asks or states what the intended loot rules are then it is on YOU for assuming everyone else is in agreement with your definition of fair. And if that proves false then when you want to start pointing that finger of blame, start by looking in the mirror.


You had the opportunity to raise the question or make the assertion that XYZ is how the group should roll on loot. If everyone is in agreement and somebody makes a mistake warn them. If it appears blatant, kick them or drop group and move on.


There is no 100% agreement on what is fair with regards to rolling Need or Greed. If you honestly think there is then you haven't read enough loot threads across the multitudes of MMOs. This discussion is nothing new and has been going on for a decade or more. SSDG (Same **** Different Game) And somebody rolling Need throughout an entire run is no more breaking the rules of the game, as defined by the developers and software, than it is to roll Greed or Pass the whole way through a run. Anything beyond what the developers have designed via the software is your own arbitrary set of rules. And if you're unwilling to communicate them to those you are grouped with then when you throw yourself that pity party because someone rolled need and won for their companion on something that you could have equipped yourself, realize the only one who gives a dang about it is you.

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There is no 100% agreement on what is fair with regards to rolling Need or Greed. If you honestly think there is then you haven't read enough loot threads across the multitudes of MMOs. This discussion is nothing new and has been going on for a decade or more.


This is why modern MMOs aready have a lootsystem in place. The players does not have to get into thousands of posts discussions since the game tell them what the rules are.

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