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Companions reacting to other players choices - Belsavis


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Hi, I wrote this thread int he Customer Service section before I realized we had a Bug Reports section... so here I go again :p


I reported this with an in-game ticket, but I just want to make sure that people agree with me that this is indeed not working as intended.


A friend of mine and I are leveling characters together, me a Sith Warrior (Marauder) with a lovely Dark Side Jaesa Williams as my companion and him as a Sith Inquisitor. I am going Dark Side, he is going Light Side (however none of us are min-maxing, so sometimes we naturally lose affection).


What happened happened two times during the Belsavis planet missions regarding the Dread Masters. At both times we had major decisions coming up, Light and Dark. I chose Dark on both occasions, he chose Light on both occasions. However HE was the one who won both the rolls, and immediately as he granted mercy to the victim (or whatever the choices were between) Jaesa went nuts and I lost about 100 affection with her...


To make sure that she in fact lost affection due to HIS choice and not mine, I clicked escape and did the dialogue alone without him. I chose the exact same dialogue choices, however as we were no longer in the same dialogue I was of course the one who "won" and the dark side consequence happened, and this time Jaesa loved it and I gained 100 affection, instead of losing it.


This was not a one-time occurrence and happened again later near the end of the Dread Masters mission.


So I am right in that this is a bug right? Companions should only react to MY choices, regardless of whether I win the roll or not?



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