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Hyperdrive tech - But Humans still die at 100???


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This has bugged me a lot and, IMO, it's a classic sign of a lazy storyteller . . . I'm talking to you Lucas. We've had some great sci-fi tales and across the best of them is the common arch of realism - yay realism!


Mass Effect: I can't remember the dates but it was that far into the future. Humanity discovered some aliens and we got a massive boost to our tech - not just the weapons used in the game - but across the board. ALL our tech. The average human lifespan became 150 years and this is because (in real life) scientific study is balanced unless there's an actual war on.


Dune: A long long series of amazing novels, with many of the sequels taking place decades or centuries apart from each other. And you know what we saw there . . . progression. Things changed, tech advanced. Towards the end of the series people were living over 300 years and they sat down on sentient, dog chair things.


Star Wars: Across like . . . 30 000 years nothing has changed - ever. I think force users used to have a backpack for their lightsabers, and that's pretty much it. We can telelport across galaxies but the average human life span is still less than 100 years? Are you kidding me? Cybernetic limbs, cloning, kolto tanks . . . but none of these things led to humans living a few extra decades? For those who love to play devil's advocate the Emperor's special treatment does not count . . . this should be ordinary, general medicine.


P.S and every planet being either a single giant city, wasteland or having a total of 4 species inhabiting it naturally is also just plain lazy. Aaaaaah, that feels much better XD

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Dooku was extremely Force Sensitive and also was fueled by the Light Side for 70 years which preserves the body. A different example, Freedon Nadd died at 50. Think it is mentioned frequently that humans are not as strong/durable/etc as other species. Could very well be that the capacity of humans is age x regardless of technology in the Star Wars universe.
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I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, regarding human life span, but I recommend you research humans in the context of the Star Wars universe. The wookieepedia page is a good place to start.




In the Star Wars universe, the typical human life span is 100-120 years. The average life span on Earth, right now, real life, is 67 years. If that's not progress, I don't know what is.


You also have to consider the realism of having humans live past an age that the human body can physically support. Dying of old age happens, there's no cure for that.


But if you insist on technological advancements that result in longer human life spans:

On worlds that possessed advanced technology, such as Bakura, individuals over the age of 160 who were still hale and hearty were not unheard of. By 5 ABY, the Human couple Eppie and Orn Belden were respectively 132 and 164, although the latter wore a voice amplifier on his chest and had gone through three hearts in his life. Thanks to countless medical treatments and organ transplants accessible to a financial elite, it was possible to extend Human lifetime to the age of 300.


However, I tend to agree with you on the lack of true advancement in the Star Wars universe. The galaxy seems to be rather static. Of course, that's what happens when a society reaches its peak.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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