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If Scoundrels were never intended to use cover after lvl 10......


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Except that Scarapper is bad to use. People might get over it if you are Dirty fighting, but scoundrel is considered one of the worst specs to go for scoundrels at end game.


I wouldn't say bad to use, but definitely more difficult for any casual player. Scrapper*/Concealment are by far some of the more exciting trees to play in this game that I've played, as (I think) they represent the ideal rogue/thief archetype that should be present in most MMOs. The only real aspect that makes them "difficult" is that they are movement intensive and require a lot of quick-thinking, but in the hands of a great player they're great. Granted, a lot more has to be for those trees to be competitive (in a PVP setting), but I digress...


Sadly, BW is making it harder and harder for anyone to even want to continue playing the class as DPS in pvp - when's the last time you ever saw a scrapper/concealment spec played in ranked? I haven't seen one in days...

It just seems like BW is pushing more and more scoundrels to play heals, then people complain about how OP they are, more nerfs appear, then people just stop playing the class entirely.


Balance is, of course, always hard to pull off perfectly in an MMO - I get this. But to continually gimp a class that already has to do so much just to be competitive with others? Seems off...

I like stealth classes and the style of play - my main was a scrapper when I started this game - but it seems like I'll be putting away the shotty and whipping out the scanner for a while...

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I wouldn't say bad to use, but definitely more difficult for any casual player. Scrapper*/Concealment are by far some of the more exciting trees to play in this game that I've played, as (I think) they represent the ideal rogue/thief archetype that should be present in most MMOs. The only real aspect that makes them "difficult" is that they are movement intensive and require a lot of quick-thinking, but in the hands of a great player they're great. Granted, a lot more has to be for those trees to be competitive (in a PVP setting), but I digress...


Sadly, BW is making it harder and harder for anyone to even want to continue playing the class as DPS in pvp - when's the last time you ever saw a scrapper/concealment spec played in ranked? I haven't seen one in days...

It just seems like BW is pushing more and more scoundrels to play heals, then people complain about how OP they are, more nerfs appear, then people just stop playing the class entirely.


Balance is, of course, always hard to pull off perfectly in an MMO - I get this. But to continually gimp a class that already has to do so much just to be competitive with others? Seems off...

I like stealth classes and the style of play - my main was a scrapper when I started this game - but it seems like I'll be putting away the shotty and whipping out the scanner for a while...


Difficult=terrible for DPS, you know? All the expert elitists agree that scoundrels should be heals and DPS should be left to the pure DPS classes.

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And being one of those elitists, I would agree. Difficult does = bad dps, but towards a majority who needs to learn to play the game well. In skilled hands, good scrappers can go toe-to-toe with others.... assuming they get lucky. And 'dem heals? It's only a matter of time before something happens there, given all the complaints about "THEY'RE OP!" and "H2F"...

Ride that train 'til it lasts, then see who stays and who leaves the class I guess.


But back to the damage thing. My main contention though is that very fact: that they have to do so much more for that. I'm not surprised that the pure dps classes do more - they should in fact be at the top. Having a class be so reliant on other things other than factors outside of their skill set and player skill is what's annoying, not to mention the current design on the class. Just seems like there could be other solutions to the problems, but BW apparently has their own view of the scoundrel plight that's on a whole 'nother level...

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And being one of those elitists, I would agree. Difficult does = bad dps, but towards a majority who needs to learn to play the game well. In skilled hands, good scrappers can go toe-to-toe with others.... assuming they get lucky. And 'dem heals? It's only a matter of time before something happens there, given all the complaints about "THEY'RE OP!" and "H2F"...

Ride that train 'til it lasts, then see who stays and who leaves the class I guess.


But back to the damage thing. My main contention though is that very fact: that they have to do so much more for that. I'm not surprised that the pure dps classes do more - they should in fact be at the top. Having a class be so reliant on other things other than factors outside of their skill set and player skill is what's annoying, not to mention the current design on the class. Just seems like there could be other solutions to the problems, but BW apparently has their own view of the scoundrel plight that's on a whole 'nother level...


Hybrid classes (Note ones that can both tank/heal and DPS) always suffered from a lack of pure DPS's damage numbers. Scoundrels, guardians, and even commandos and vanguards have to put in twice as much effort to reach half the level of DPS as a Sentinel or Gunslinger (And their imperial mirrors)

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In the end, Sab charge and Charged burst were designed with cover in mind, so I feel that they might not have been intended to be used by scoundrel DPS after level 10. But then again I feel they wanted people to be gunslingers and not Scoundrels as well.


I do not play a class to raid or dungeon dive or whatever. If I did I would have nothing but Sentinels/Marauders or Gunslingers/Snipers. That is what the AC system is about, having fun and playing the story.

Edited by stormdrakelord
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