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From the lowest, to the highest! Part 1 Lord Targen


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Flaymbenn has been a slave for all of his life. He was 21 years old, human male, and lived in the cold Alderaanian slave pens. He came from a special kind of slave pens too. It was a slave pen for slaves that were temporarily owned. He wore a mocking to show it. The slave masters who owned were cruel to him and the other slaves, and they loved to torment them. Flaymbenn had always wanted to be something more than what he is now. At night he would look up at the stars, and imagine him on a starship, no, an imperial dreadnaugh. He wanted to be a fleet commander in the military, and be the master for tons of imperial soldiers. But he knew it would never happen, espically since he is just a slave for hire. But sometimes he would get the chance of actually leaving Alderaan. Every month an imperial Moff comes by the slave pens to hire some of them. It almost felt like Flaymbenn was one of his favorite, because he was the one who had followed him a lot more than the others. The Moff's name was Yurion. He was probably Flaymbenn's favorite slave keeper, because he kept his slaves very well fed. And sometimes he would even let his slaves be on the deck as lookouts. But he wasn't really the only slave keeper Flaymebenn hold dear. Every day he would pray that the sith lord Darth Diliges would come and hire him. But it only happened 4 times since she first came to him. He wanted her to hire him, because like the Moff she was kind to her slaves. But she only hired male slaves. She used them for sex! And because of her very beauty, Flaymbenn was inlove with her. And not only had she them sleep with her, but had mental romantic nights with them. She said that it was because pleasure was her passion, but he never knew what it meant.

Today felt like a special day for Flaymbenn, but he knew that it would just be the ordinary slave routin: wake up, go to work with the buyers, get fed with something, coming home cause he usually get hired just for a day, get beat up by his masters, sleep. But he was wrong this day. When he woke up there was a noble with a taunting grin looking down on him.

"Are you a buyer, my lord?" Flaymbenn said.

"No. But I am here to take a look at the slaves to see if the pen masters have been doing their work. And it looks like it was someone who they forgot to wake up."

Then he understood that the noble was referring to him oversleeping. A strong heat came from Flaymbenn's chest, down to his legs.

"Please don't get the masters in trouble, my lord. If you do they'll throw the whip on me."

"You better start moving then, the other slaves are already up."

Flaymbenn throwed away the sheets from his rug that he called a bed, and rushed out without even thinking. When he was out all of the slaves were standing in a line with their chins up and their faces in the air. In front of them stood the slave masters with an angry look on him. The noble then came up.

"Why do you not wake all the slaves up? They are all supposed to be awake and ready for work as soon as a buyer comes by," he said walking up to one of them.

"I rang the bell as loud as I could, twice! I also yelled at them to go up. I can't see how this one couldn't have woken up by it," the slave master said in fear.

The noble walked up to Flaymbenn in the line and talked closely to him.

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"Why would that even matter to you, mi'lord?"

"You're not supposed to question me slave, just to answer me!" the noble now said irritated and pressed a remote that activated the shock collar on Flaymbenn's neck. He bit his tounge and shaked in pain trying to resist the high voltage going through his body. Almost falling to his knees by the pain, he did what the noble wanted.

"M-my name is Flaymbenn, my lord." he said shaking his head trying to get rid off the pain.

"Well then Flaymbenn. I've decided that you will be my gosson in my visit with Lord Targen today. I hope you know how to open wine bottles."

As the noble walked away to his speeder one of the slave masters came up to Flaymbenn as well and slapped him hard on his cheek, leaving a thin mark that quickly faded away.

"You got lucky this time slave. But as quick as you get back you'll get the whip!"

Flaymbenns thoughts swelled with anger for the slave master. He felt, and wanted to strike him down, or at least punch him in his so proud face. But he tried to hide his anger with a neutral face expression. And as the slave master got a speeder to drive him to the noble, he didn't notice that a strange purple spark emerged from Flaymbenn's hand.


Now it was afternoon. Flaymbenn was in the House Thul castle, with a handful of service girls. The noble, who's name happened to be Carless Thul, was sitting by a table with the sith lord he was talking about. Flaymbenn tried not to listen of what they were talking about. Instead he tried to concentrate on serving them drinks. Now the sith lords apprentice approached him. It was a sith pureblood male. He thought that his yellow skin color wasn't really so much for a pureblood, but he didn't say it.

"So you're the slave that Carless spoke so proudly about," he said

"Proudly? I wouldn't think he saw me as something to be proud of."

"No me neither. But I suppose he sees something in you."

Then they heard that Carless called for Flaymbenn, and they both turned to the table.

"Gosson, could you bring and open the corellian whisky bottle?"

"Yes, m'ilord."

When he got back he served up the whisky first to the sith, for he knew how to show respect for sith and guests. As he poured the liquid in the cup, Targen looked at him with a very surprised face, and Flaymbenn tried not to make eye contact with him. But it was like he got forced take a quick look at him. He did it very fast, but he could get a glimpse of his yellow eyes that stared at him endlessly. Then he quickly stopped pouring when he realised that the whisky had come up to the cups edge.

"Oh, I'd like what you just gave him!" Carless said.

He then walked up to Carless and pured up an equally full cup as Targen had got.

When he was done Carless stood up and put his hand on Flaymbenn's shoulder.

"Lord Targen, I would like you to meet Flaymbenn. He is a slave that I hired for this occasion especially."

It started to get clearer for Flaymbenn, and for Targen's apprentice as well. But it also became more suspicous since he said that he hired him here epecially.

"You see," Carless continued. "I've decided to adopt him into the Thul house, and make him a lord!"

The apprentice dropped his jaw, and the service girls became so astonished one of them was about to faint, Flaymbenn himself almost fell down in suprise. And for Lord Targen, well he became more surprised than any other.

"A lord of house Thul? No! I cannot allow that. This young man is extremely powerful in the force, he should be training on Korriban to become a Sith!" he cried out smashing the table.

"I what!?" yelled Flaymbenn.

"Pardon, but what are you saying, my lord?" asked Carlness.

Now it really got into commosion in the hall. Half of the service girls were about to faint now, and the apprentice needed to clear his head by drinking a whole bottle of wine.

"I am saying that this boy shouldn't be slave, not even a lord of house Thul. But a Sith Lord!"

"Master, are you sure. I mean this is just a mere slave." the apprentice said.

"I've never been more sure than anything in my life!"

"Oh, well then. Flaymbenn, I suppose this is how it will go. It's the law of the Empire that all force-sensitive go to train on Korriban," Carless said .

Flaymbenn was completely out of words for this situation: first he was going to get adopted into the Thul house, then he got to learn that he was going to become an acolyte at the academy of Korriban.

The dinner hadn't even ended yet before he returned with Lord Targen to the slave pens. When they got there two of the masters were outside, and they both bowed respectfully to the sith.

"My lord, what are you doing here, what a surprise." the first said. "Oh, and I see you have one of our slaves with you. I promise my lord that if he was of any trouble I will ensure you that this slave shall be punished most painfully."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, slave master. You will not punish him, not even touch him until an overseer from Korriban comes to get him. He is supposed to become sith."

The two masters looked at each other, and then they started to laugh out loud, so it echoed through the slave pens.

"My lord please," the other said. "That probably had to be the funniest joke I've ever heard. That slave, is supposed to become a sith?"

As he laughed it made Flaymbenn very angry. He couldn't tolerate them laughing at him.

"Flaymbenn, could you please show these two beings what I told you?" Targen said.

"Yes, my lord," he replied proudly. The masters went back a little. They didn't know what to expect, but then it happened. Flaymbenn concentrated all of his anger for the slave masters, and showed it in a great shock of lightning at them both. The two screamed in pain. It felt good that he finaly could pay back for all the time the masters had tormented them. He then let go and one of them fell to ground.

"Now, I want you Flaymbenn to go into the slave pens for the last time. Sleep there till morning and the overseer will come to get you. And you, slave master. You shall leave the slaves be for now, and give this one a clean nice bed."

"Yes, my lord," he replied.


Lord Targen had now gone to the spaceport, and Flaymbenn was back at the slave pens, but wouldn't stay there for long. When he got into his barrack some of the slaves were sitting in a ring handing each other a big piece of bread. He joined them, but denied when they offered him a piece. He knew that he would definetly get more as soon as he got to Korriban.

"We heard about what the sith said. Are you really going to be sith?" one of them asked.

"Yes, it seems that way."

"But we'll get stuck here," said the youngest.

"I promise you all: when I become a Lord, maybe even a Darth, I'll come and free you from this."

"No you won't," said the old grumpy Yadi. "As soon as you even become an apprentice you'll get mad for power, and you'll likely just kill us instead of freeing us. Besides it's not even likely that you'll survive Korriban."

"Don't say that," said Denia, a Twi'lek slave girl. "Flay, you promise right? You promise that you'll survive, and then come free us from this dreched place?"

"I promise, you all have my word!"

"We'll see about that," said Yadi and crept to his rug.

Later it started to get dark outside, and they all went to sleep. Flaymbenn could've taken his new bed, but he preffered to sleep on his rug.

He looked forward towards next morning. Then everything was going to get better. He was going to miss the others, and miss the Moff and Darth Diliges too. But he wouldn't miss the slave pen. As he slowly started to sleep he said to himself: "I will climb up the ladder. All the way to the top, just like any sith should. I will become better than any of them. I will be a master of the dark side!"

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