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Thana Vesh's Chestguard texture display bug


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Thana Vesh's Chestguard has a rather glaring texture bug.


The triangular edging around the front flap below the belt does not appear to have any colour or texture, it glows bright white under all lighting conditions and with all dyes.


Here is a screenshot that has been posted:



This looks to be a bug because it does not behave like other tertiary areas that won't take dye. There are other tertiary areas in this armour piece, for example the belly section. These are all a dull grey and do not glow white in the same way.


The strange thing is that it looks fine when you preview the item and also when viewed in the character window. In these views the edging of the flap is the same dull grey colour as the other tertiary sections. But when viewed on the live character, it glows white.


With this bug it is very difficult to get the Thana Vesh set looking good no matter what dye you put in it.


Something is clearly wrong, please fix it.

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  • 1 year later...

I also have this armour and it definitely seems like a bug to me... I've tried multiple dyes, but no dye matches that hideous brightly glowing white outline on the flap - it seems like it should be part of the secondary colour, so I think this is a bug as well.


Edit: Furthermore, the flap looks normal when the armour is viewed in the item preview. It's only when you actually put it on that it has the hideous bright white - this makes me think even more that it's a bug.

Edited by VelkarKatarn
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  • 6 months later...

I'd also like to bump this thread.


I really like the model of the chest and recently made myself a set with it - and surprise with this glowy lower-part triangle thing. It does not glow only white - it can also turn blue or yellow when the rest of the armor is black and gray.

It bugs me out, would be great to have it fixed %) Especially considering the fact that this is not the cheapest chest on my server :D


PS: my graphics settings are set to maximum.

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