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Gunslinger vs Sniper


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Recently I've been playing my Sniper over on Imp side and I'm loving him so far. I've been leveling him as Marksmanship and I'm not bothered being a turret. Thing is, I have a lot of friends going Republic side and I want to play with them. I was wondering if Gunslinger DPS and Sniper DPS are comparable. I know they're the 'mirror' class, but I didn't know if things worked differently with the Slinger's two-weapon style versus Sniper's single big freakin' gun. Any help is appreciated!



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If a Sniper and a Gunslinger were 100% equal gear, they would deal 100% equal damage and DPS

Actually no, a sniper with two blaster pistols would do considerably less damage than a gunslinger. :)


On a more serious note, there are some miniscule differences, like the gunslinger benefitting more from Illegal Mods as he actually has a use for the 30% accuracy since it negates his offhand penalty. Miniscule is the key word here, though.

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