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Disappearing Landscape


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As the title says.

Been on about 3 planets today(Balmorra, Quesh, Coruscant. Oh and the Imperial Fleet) and at random times all the landscape and mobs/npc's will disappear. Usually happens when I'm just traveling down the road on my vehicle and everything will vanish and I'm just going through empty space until I move my camera.


*On a side note* Freaked me out the first time it happened on Balmorra. Now its just becoming a pain


EDIT: Added screen shot of what is happening. this is Coruscant



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I can confirm this bug, the first time it happened to me was during the open beta on Ord Mantell. (where they closed my bug report without even reading it, saying that most beta bugs have been fixed anyway :cool:)


There are certain camera angles where all of the surrounding 3d models will disappear, and you will only see the sky. However, collision detection with the environment is still working, so your character won't suddenly fall to his death.

This happens to me maybe once a week, if not less, but mostly inside rooms. It may be a restriction of HeroEngine and it does not sound like a bug that could be fixed easily.


Here is a screenshot of the bug happening to me in the Republic Cartel Bazaar:

The normal view: http://i.imgur.com/jDcvSo2.jpg

Moving a camera a little bit, everything become invisible: http://i.imgur.com/rPcoz8h.jpg


I am not entirely sure whether we have the same bug, DracoAngel. I can make the environment show up just by rotating the camera a little bit, or by walking forward/backward one meter. Does the environment show up then for you, or do you need to move more than that?

Edited by Jerba
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  • 4 weeks later...

Like I said, I am seeing this bug from time to time in various places.


Here, it is happening to me in a Trooper class quest on Belsavis:

The normal room

Only the walls are visible, no NPCs


By now, I believe that this bug has to do with how HeroEngine divides the world into multiple rooms and only displays the room you are currently in with the camera.

It seems that sometimes the world designers were a little sloppy with defining the boundaries of a room, which is why the camera can leave a room when you view it from a certain angle and distance. The only fix would be to manually go over each of these on a case by case basis, and I do not think they'll commit their ressources to this. :(

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