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Tank Looking for New Guild Home


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Hello Everyone


Been playing since Beta like a lot of people am sure and am looking for a new home to mount my war trophies. My old guild shut its doors with no hard feelings but life was keeping everyone away as was my schedule at the time. Thus I am looking for a new place to call home. My main is a 55 Jugg Tank with mainly 72 rating gear but I will need to tweak him with the new flashes and operations I haven't had much experience with with no guildies to play with hence me being here. I have experience in both main and off hand tanking up to scum and villainy and look forward to running the new ops and flashes in the future.


I would prefer to tank as we seem to be a rare breed and though I won't claim to be some mighty unstable force I would say I'm pretty good at my job and enjoy doing it so, always quick to make friends with my healer. I will say on a side note I do have a lot of other alts like a lot of people . I have a Merc healer/dps I like to run who is decently geared as well some 72 pieces of gear, I also have a sniper that is fairly bare bones at the moment but 55 and who I like to work with so I can basically cover every role at that moment to help our cause. I've been known to switch my three guys around to get a op running if we are short a certain role but that's just being good character I think. With my merc I have bio so I can pump out lots of stims and adrenals and my tank from when I first made him creates all my force augments for people that need them.


If you have any questions or comments feel free to give me a shout



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Check out <Emperor's Hammer>, we are a semi-casual PvE guild who have made some good progress. We are currently 5/5 HM TFB, 7/7 HM S&V, and 1/5 HM DF and are working on HM Draxus. Our progression team is currently looking for another permanent tank to fill our ranks and we'd love to have ya on board!


We raid every Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m. EST, let me know if you're interested! PM me on any of my toons (Ezria, Angela'gossow, Unforgive, Sanitaria, or Dyers-eve). Tonight will be a progression run so I'll be on Unforgive.

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Did you find a new home yet? If not we at RancorBait are looking for a MT/OT to fill our 2nd progression group on Fri/Sun.


We are a fun loving crew who likes to experience new content at a good pace and not get left in the dust. We are a mature (age) group and have fun like those mid 20's college kids. We utilize mumble, streaming, and other activities to keep things from getting to boring.


Our current DF progress is 2/5 HM.


Feel free to hit me up (Baldylox) in game or /who the guild to chat with anyone. Also check out our site rancorbait.enjin.com

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