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what if darth imperius, occulus, and nox all existed at the same time?


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so what if darth imperius, occulus, and nox existed at the same time as different people in the same universe? how do you think that would that work out? how could all three of these different darths from the inquisitor storyline exist at the same time? your opinions/answers please and sorry if it sounds like fanfiction that wasn't my intent.:cool:
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Well since they are alignment based titles they probably are all around at the same time, certainly you will have DC members who are interested in advancing the Empire, and DC members who are more interested in Advancing their own agendas, and it's not too much of a stretch to imagine DC members who play a balancing act between the two.


But as for what happens, the usual Sith politics, manouvring, murdering your opponents supporters, lies, and sabotage. When their agendas don't interfer they ignore each other, when they coincide, they try to manouvre their peons into position to claim most or all the glory, and when their agendas oppose, murder and mayhem ensues.

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