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"Classified War" SW:TOR Short-Story


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Chapter #1 of "Classified War" will be unveiling soon! "Classified War" is a Star Wars: The Old Republic fan-made short-story written by Tom Powers, a player of the Jung Ma RP-PvP Server. This short-story will revolve around Hooley, a Chiss Imperial Operative during "The Old Republic Era". Official Synopsis below:



  • Watch the Teaser Trailer Here!


Shown below is the "official" synopsis of "Classified War"...


In the Sith Empire, where non-sith are inferior and aliens are daily victims of speciesism, a Chiss Imperial Operative is tasked by Imperial Intelligence to infiltrate the bureaucracy of the Dark Council. Bombings in Kaas City and unknown incursions decimating Imperial Outposts across the galaxy has ignited dissension within the Sith Empire. For now the Dark Council remains the governing body, but this hierarchy is on the brink of collapse. Dark Council members falsely scrutinize each other in attempts to find who is truly responsible for these attacks. War against the Republic is still waging, the Emperor remains missing, and now, the Sith Empire in its most fragile state, is on the brink of civil war. Cipher Agent Hooley must find who the real culprit is, before the Sith Empire implodes.


Hi all,


Please keep an eye on the website listed below or the SW:TOR Forums for a release of Chapter #1. Feel free to send me PMs if you have any questions, I'll try to answer questions in comments section too.



  • This is where the short-story will be posted once complete: CLICK HERE


Thank you and kind regards,

Tom Powers

Edited by Bertolli
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