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First little step to improve solo play


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We've all been there -- grinding down that stubborn Champion, slowly chipping away at his health with one hand on the keyboard and another on that precious last slice of cold pizza, TV in the background keeping most of our attention until we hear our opponent fall.


My thought is to remove the restriction preventing melee attacks from being used without a target and tighten up player and mob hitboxes. In this sense all melee abilities would function in the same manner as Sweep or Cleave albeit single/multiple target as the ability specifies. This would make melee combat significantly more enjoyable without affecting pre-existing mechanics. You *could* stand stationary and face-off against your opponent as you presently do and choke down that last slice of pepperonni, or you could move about for a more cinematic experience.


If this seems like an arbitrary change, understand that this change then sets in place the foundations for an enhanced solo experience later on with such features as dodges, should you choose to use them.

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