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Kaggath Tournament - Alliance of Worlds vs Krayt's Vision


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Am I once again going to lose because of Daala defecting? oh goodie, goodie indeed.


But going along that point, we know how we lost the last kaggaths, so Daala gets decapitated by Darth Talon, if that is truly needed, or Krayt could just Dark Transfer her into submission.


Has he got the wrong list up? I see Nihl, not Talon.


But yes, that can work.

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Am I once again going to lose because of Daala defecting? oh goodie, goodie indeed.


She IS a questionable choice when teamed with a bunch of Sith baddies.


Although, something can be said for the fact that when Daala did team up with Leia and Luke, neither of them were the ruler of a government (at least to my knowledge). So, it's unlikely that Daala would defect from one faction because it has a force-using ruler to join another faction that also has a force-using ruler.


But again, the correlation to cannon events is striking. I'm really not sure what she would do.

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She IS a questionable choice when teamed with a bunch of Sith baddies.


Although, something can be said for the fact that when Daala did team up with Leia and Luke, neither of them were the ruler of a government (at least to my knowledge). So, it's unlikely that Daala would defect from one faction because it has a force-using ruler to join another faction that also has a force-using ruler.


But again, the correlation to cannon events is striking. I'm really not sure what she would do.

Skywalkers, no doubt.


She hated Force Ruling organisations specifically because they don't deserve it, but Leia was an elected head of state with real Diplomatic skills, ex Senator and everything....

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One hint: Silenceo would know, hehe.


Okay kidding, she's more brutal than Daala is.

I think I know... Think.


I'll keep it to myself in case you don't get it, I know you'll want her for the next thing like this we do...



Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night all :p

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The galactic alliance had the same problem as the imperial's did when it came to tactics they got lazy the Fel Empire Admirals are no better equipped to handle Rebel tactics then the GCW Empire was....... Also go ahead and upgrade the 501st its still bound by the tech rule and if you think they are overpowered its only because I have not talked about my ground forces yet.




Beni promise me you will not nerf my ground forces, you have already buffed Rayla's space forces by allowing her to use the Fel Empire admirals when it clearly stated in the rules that the people piloting your ships would be the same as the naval forces of your ground troops. It was in the rules before any one chose their factions it is not mine or any one elses fault she missed that so for fairness sake please promise me when I reveal my ground troops I will not be hit by a nerf bat.

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Well then I do have the Galactic Empire's crews, never mind then.


I still have an extremely advanced ship in the Imperious, which had the ability to take on (most of) a fleet by itself, the Outer-rim Third Fleet to be exact, it didnt win, but it still had the power to fight on a near even playing field.


May I also point out a little bit of canon for you here, the Galactic Alliance Navy lost to the Fel Empire's navy every time they went into battle, the Fel Empire came out on-top in the Cold War and the Galactic Alliance became the Galactic Alliance Remnant, the Fel Empire's navy beat the Galactic Alliance's navy any time battle commenced, despite the Victory Without War program, the Fel Empire was just flatly better.


Again this was 100 years later and the Galactic alliance at the time had gotten lazy in every respect you don't have that luxury here.


The only reason your ships are more advanced is timeline simple as that its like me saying the Nebula was more advanced then the Acclamator there is a 30 year difference there of course.... yours is a 100 years difference. You have to remember I am not using the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet that was beaten by your forces I am using the one that appeared right before the second Galactic Civil war when the ship design wasn't lazy and I have Rebel Pilots a time in which they were the LEAST lazy and the most determined and dedicated when they thought outside the box and pulled out wins against opponents they did not deserve to beat. That is what I am using. You are argueing the wrong battle.

Edited by tunewalker
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The only reason your ships are more advanced is timeline simple as that i


Not it isnt, the tech rule clearly states if ships are advanced for their time then they are considered advanced in the Kaggath, the Imperious is definitely advanced for it's time it proved that when it went one one one against a small fleet of modern ships and only lost due to circumstance.


The Pallaeon is debatable as the Galactic Alliance Remnant considered the class too advanced for them to effectively counter without weight of numbers.


The Ardent was consider state of the art for it's speed and armament, it was very fast but made up entirely for the lack of armor by basically being a fast moving weapons platform, they considered it the perfect frigate.


That is what I am referring to when I say my ships are advanced, they were advanced for their own time not compared to your own ships but by the universal tech rule itself, all my ships are classed as advanced vessels.


P.S: I thought I would point this out before going to bed, my entire navy is considered advanced in this kaggath, but it's about 3.30AM here, i'm off for the night.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Not it isnt, the tech rule clearly states if ships are advanced for their time then they are considered advanced in the Kaggath, the Imperious is definitely advanced for it's time it proved that when it went one one one against a small fleet of modern ships and only lost due to circumstance.


The Pallaeon is debatable as the Galactic Alliance Remnant considered the class too advanced for them to effectively counter without weight of numbers.


The Ardent was consider state of the art for it's speed and armament, it was very fast but made up entirely for the lack of armor by basically being a fast moving weapons platform, they considered it the perfect frigate.


That is what I am referring to when I say my ships are advanced, they were advanced for their own time not compared to your own ships but by the universal tech rule itself, all my ships are classed as advanced vessels.


P.S: I thought I would point this out before going to bed, my entire navy is considered advanced in this kaggath, but it's about 3.30AM here, i'm off for the night.


As was the Nebula it was considered the most advanced Stardestroyer design for more then 50 years after it was made. The Republic was just like the Nebula but had tractor beams instead of assault missles. My ships were considered advanced for their time as well. Also Mediator's and Viscounts and Majestic Heavy-cruisers all considered advanced for their time. When compared to my ships both of ours held the same titles and roles and (at times) design philosophies.

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Now lets talk tactics..... Rayla claimed that because her commanders are 100 years newer they will know my tactics and all of the counters...... but this is like saying because my average captain is 3000 years newer they will be able to out Maneuver Revan even if they never fought an opponent like Revan this is simply not true. Gorrilla warfare has been used through out history yet its still effective today Also as Rayla has once said herself some people are better at fighting one type of war then others. We have to examine the way each one fought their battles to determine the tactical advantage.



The main thing we have to ask is how Vunerable is the Fel Empire to these 2 tactics.......







The first I want to talk about is the Ackbar Slash. Normally I would say they would know about this but the enemy the were fighting largly used http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/MC140_Scythe-class_main_battle_cruiser and utilized swarm tactics. Tactics that obviously did not work against an opponent of relative same strength. Further more because of the design of the MC140 it made impossible for the galactic alliance to utilize a tactic like the ackbar slash and made it nearly as impractical to utilize such a tactic against one as if it just has its front facing you, you are missing out on reducing the number of weapons its using part of the ackbar slash thus making the Ackbar slash largly ineffective against the MC140's. It would take an extremely Eccentric Captain/Admiral to have enough knowledge to know how to counter a tactic that his enemy was not even capable of using Captains you don't have as you (like me) only have the average captain simply put none of them will know how to counter this maneuver. The tactics utilized at that time would have all been about taking advantage of the advantages and disadvantages of the MC140 which none of my ships share the weakness of.



The second we need to look at is the Trench Run Defense.


Most of my enemy ships are these. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Pellaeon-class_Star_Destroyer Which were larger then the imperial-class, that were often prey to this tactic, and lacked Point defense systems. So we definitely have a ship vunerable to a tactic utilized by the rebel Alliance.



For the reasons shown here I believe I retain a tactical advantage as my enemy has never dealt with ships Capable of preforming the primary tactic of my forces and they have ships that would prove vunerable to a second of my primary tactics.

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Well that is what needs to be elaborated on. And yeah, going into why it will take months will be directly tied in to why you can hold the enemy off and keep your leader safe for such a long time, so be my guest.


But 5 planets does not make for a long campaign.


OK as I have already been explaining I do have a slight advantage in Naval warfare as I have slightly better tactics equal firepower greater repair and ship building speed. To top this off defensively all of my planets will be equipped with multiple








thanks to the Rebel Alliance army having these as part of their bells and whistles.


meaning in all defensive battles I will be much better equipped and potentially have an advantage of firepower along with Wedge's preference for Defensive maneuvers. Remember he fought near evenly with Palleon when Wedge was on the offensive and was still pushing Palleon back slowly, through the YV war we see that Wedge is nearly twice as good when on the defensive so while it was a near even fight when Wedge was on the offensive (he was winning slowly) I believe he would have the advantage when on the defensive.


Further more both Arkania and Rendili both have a population of 500 billion and 600 billion respectively meaning a single person can literally disappear in the crowd. Meaning that thanks to the shield generators and Leia's ability to disappear a ground war would have to be won to allow for bombardment of the planet. A ground war such as this could last months on its own but I would like to avoid talk about ground forces till I am promised no Giant incoming nerf bat. There is also hapes to consider with the http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Transitory_Mists acting like my own mini deep core forcing ships to come in through The http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Knot_Holes allowing me to funnel my enemy and catch them all there just as easily as thy could get me trying to go to the Deep core.



Edit: though I do believe I may have a way to kill Krayt in a week but I don't want to get to ground forces arguments and such yet. So I am saving it for a bit.

Edited by tunewalker
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As was the Nebula it was considered the most advanced Stardestroyer design for more then 50 years after it was made. The Republic was just like the Nebula but had tractor beams instead of assault missles. My ships were considered advanced for their time as well. Also Mediator's and Viscounts and Majestic Heavy-cruisers all considered advanced for their time. When compared to my ships both of ours held the same titles and roles and (at times) design philosophies.


No in the Galactic Alliance Navy the Republic and Nebula class ships were considered advanced the Viscounts, Mediators and Majestic vessels were either a few decades old or base of the line, just because they are good ships does not make them advanced.

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