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The reason Wedge was not of a higher rank was because he hated bueracratic BS. He was even "not apart" of the fleet at the start of the war because he wasn't going to stand for what they were trying to do and broke off on his own with Luke to help refugees escape and herass the hell out of the YV fighting a war against an enemy with impossible odds. Time and time again Wedge has shown his ability to bore in like a Tic and be darn near impossible to get out.


While Pellaeon is good on the offensive you said it yourself he is better on the defensive and if the 2 dueled evenly on the Defensive where Pellaeon is better and Wedge is Worse then it stands to logical conclusion that when the situation is reversed and Pellaeon is on the offensive where he is worse and Wedge is on the Defensive where he is better that the once even fight now turns towards Wedges favor. This is all based off their history together when specifically facing off against each other.



As far as the tech rule congrats you have figured it out, my ships were considered fast for their time as well but look at the rule all that matters is the Role that they played and the numbers of them that's what it states.


What you have left out however is that Pallaeon got a lot better after that and he was being considered for the position of Supreme Commander of the entire Galactic Alliance, then he died.


I know exactly what the tech rule means but you have failed completely to get my point, I am saying a ship of equal strength to something like a Star Dreadnought is being nerfed simply because it wasn't of the same size, this is a fallacy, so it's not as big as a Star Dreadnought.... and? it still served as their replacement and was almost as powerful.

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Rofl :D


Maybe I'm wrong, but it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is rounding the fleet down and changing the ratio of how many ships she had, otherwise that unbalances it COMPLETELY for those with multiple SSd's.


If she had 7 imperious' she could solo my fleet.


So my Imperious class doesn't exist? these rules get better and better, if you are right I just dont understand how this logic works, I have 70% of an Imperious in other words I dont have any, but don't worry! Tunewalker has loads of Viscounts!

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What you have left out however is that Pallaeon got a lot better after that and he was being considered for the position of Supreme Commander of the entire Galactic Alliance, then he died.


I know exactly what the tech rule means but you have failed completely to get my point, I am saying a ship of equal strength to something like a Star Dreadnought is being nerfed simply because it wasn't of the same size, this is a fallacy, so it's not as big as a Star Dreadnought.... and? it still served as their replacement and was almost as powerful.


AS did Wedge, Wedge got better as well and the reason he wasn't considered was he had broken off from them at that time and was again fighting his own private thing.



It didn't serve exactly as a dreadnaught it would be closer to my Mediators then to a dreadnaught.

Edited by tunewalker
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So my Imperious class doesn't exist? these rules get better and better, if you are right I just dont understand how this logic works, I have 70% of an Imperious in other words I dont have any, but don't worry! Tunewalker has loads of Viscounts!


Round up, you have one.

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So my Imperious class doesn't exist? these rules get better and better, if you are right I just dont understand how this logic works, I have 70% of an Imperious in other words I dont have any, but don't worry! Tunewalker has loads of Viscounts!


Last I checked, there were only three Viscounts that I can think of. So he would only have 30% of a Viscount.


But I think we are rounding up, so technically Tune has no Viscounts.

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So my Imperious class doesn't exist? these rules get better and better, if you are right I just dont understand how this logic works, I have 70% of an Imperious in other words I dont have any, but don't worry! Tunewalker has loads of Viscounts!


no you have 1 Imperious and I have 1 Viscount and 1 Strident because we round up.

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Last I checked, there were only three Viscounts that I can think of. So he would only have 30% of a Viscount.


But I think we are rounding up, so technically Tune has no Viscounts.


did you listen to yourself we Round UP...... as in we aren't just rounding if I had 1% of a viscount round UP its 1 viscount. so 30% round up.... is 1.


Math Fail lol:p



Edit: if you guys want we can try to calculate all of the bigger ships to find out how many we have.

Edited by tunewalker
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we round up to 1 for ship types that we would end up have a % of beni said this earlier. This means I have 1 Viscount-class Star defender and 1 Strident-Class Star defender.


Rounding everything UP makes no sense.


Or I'd have a subjugator class heavy cruiser, even though They only ever got one in the entire thousands,of ships that the OCF had...

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AS did Wedge, Wedge got better as well.



It didn't serve exactly as a dreadnaught it would be closer to my Mediators then to a dreadnaught.


Yet Pallaeon continued to serve as a major commander for the remainder of his life, just as you yourself stated Wedge quit, Pallaeon served for years and years longer.


It was a replacement for the much larger Dreadnoughts, dont mix it up with the Pallaeon.

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That's not how I was taught math.


ok Aurbere what you are talking about is called ROUNDING any number 4 or lower you ROUND DOWN any number 5 or greater you Round UP as a basic rule...... we are not ROUNDING DOWN..... we are only ROUNDING UP which means any number 1-9 we round UP.

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ok Aurbere what you are talking about is called ROUNDING any number 4 or lower you ROUND DOWN any number 5 or greater you Round UP as a basic rule...... we are not ROUNDING DOWN..... we are only ROUNDING UP which means any number 1-9 we round UP.

That makes an astounding amount of sense.


And by astounding,I mean astoundingly low.


I say add your 2 halves together, and give you a chance to chose ONE dreadnought to use.

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Yet Pallaeon continued to serve as a major commander for the remainder of his life, just as you yourself stated Wedge quit, Pallaeon served for years and years longer.


It was a replacement for the much larger Dreadnoughts, dont mix it up with the Pallaeon.


Wedge came out of retirement several times and every time was a better commander then when he went into it. What I am talking about was not he quite. It was he quite the GALACTIC ALLIANCE to fight the war his way which proved to be extremely successful he returned when the task he wanted to complete was done. For this reason no one would even consider him regardless of his skills because he couldn't stand the politics he just wanted to fight the war with no BS and every time he did he won. I am giving him no BS he is allowed to fight the war as he sees fit. This is where he is at his best and when he fought Pellaeon he wasn't at his best. He was on the offensive and he still had to deal with Beuracractic BS.

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I'm Asian.... in other words, I know my math and ^ is how you it.


0.50 and upwards you round up, any lower than that you round down.


that is correct my god you guys don't listen to yourselves do you...... we aren't ROUNDING DOWN..... do you understand the meaning of those words..... regardless of what you do when NORMALLY ROUNDING we are NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! ROUNDING DOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNN we are ONLLLYYYY ROUNDING UUUUUUUUPPPPPP so ALL things get rounded up REGARDLESS of what you would normally do when ROUNDING...... the fact that no one understands this just blows my mind.


we aren't just rounding.... here look.





"•If the number you are rounding is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, round the number up. Example: 38 rounded to the nearest ten is 401

•If the number you are rounding is followed by 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, round the number down. Example: 33 rounded to the nearest ten is 30"


as it says if the number is followed by a 0,1,2,3, or 4 you round DOWN.... wait what was that... what did they just call that they called it rounding DOWN...... we aren't rounding down we are rounding up....... what is rounding up defined as..........


ok going to give you guys a number




33 now if you Round it you would normally Round Down to 30........... but if some one came and told you to round that number UP...... where would it go..... the awnser would be 40..... because we need to round it UP to the nearest 10. We aren't rounding it to the nearest 10 we are rounding it UP to the nearest there is a difference..... please tell me everyone understood this rant.



Edit: long and short..... we are NOT rounding we ARE rounding UP. there is a distict difference. Please trust the Math education major.

Edited by tunewalker
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Whups I got it wrong actually, Gilad Pallaeon was the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance, the Supreme Commander over everyone else in the Galactic Alliance's military, there were better tacticians than Wedge from the Republic side, such as Nek the Thrawn Simulator beating master tactician, just to give you an idea here.... he was the best of them all, Gilad Pallaeon.


"That damn Admiral is hard enough to beat when we have the numbers advantage, now he's got more ships? well why don't we just hand ourselves over right now?" said Solo

"Oh come on Han we can't just give up, if we fail here the Imperials would over-run out entire position and take the Core Worlds back, it doesn't matter how hard this is, we have to try." - Leia.


Also Tune calm the hell down, dear lord, if all we were doing was rounding up we all would have said the same, you however have assumed everyone is rounding up, you dont make the rules here.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Whups I got it wrong actually, Gilad Pallaeon was the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance, the Supreme Commander over everyone else in the Galactic Alliance's military, there were better tacticians than Wedge from the Republic side, such as Nek the Thrawn Simulator beating master tactician, just to give you an idea here.... he was the best of them all, Gilad Pallaeon.


No... the history of the characters says other wise. Just because you are the supreme commander doesn't neccisarrily make you the best. That is a none argument and has nothing to do with how well they actually fought or what they actually did. This is one of those speculative arguments based off titles.



Its like saying Wedge is terrible at fleet tactics because it took him so long to get promoted.... any one who knows their star wars history knows better then this.

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Whups I got it wrong actually, Gilad Pallaeon was the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance, the Supreme Commander over everyone else in the Galactic Alliance's military, there were better tacticians than Wedge from the Republic side, such as Nek the Thrawn Simulator beating master tactician, just to give you an idea here.... he was the best of them all, Gilad Pallaeon.


Also Tune calm the hell down, dear lord, if all we were doing was rounding up we all would have said the same, you however have assumed everyone is rounding up, you dont make the rules here.


BENI said we were rounding Up ...... let me dig through the posts......

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