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Kaggath Tournament - Alliance of Worlds vs Krayt's Vision


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It is nowhere near as simple as just dropping some bacta, bacta treatments only helped to stop the spread of the plague, it didnt outright stop the virus, you require massive amounts, amounts you dont have.


Bacta only helped to stop the virus and it spread so quickly and vastly that the New Republic went nearly bankrupt trying to purchase enough of it.


Simply put you dont have anywhere near enough Bacta to stop this virus.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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No Civilian uprising shall occur today *waves hands*


No but seriously, it's war time, the people will understand the spec ops destroying shipyards and stuff. They'd also realise it was the KV that sent the virus Into the AOW worlds in the first place, it would just make them hate you more.


And it DM really if they die, it makes no difference.

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What's unfortunate for Tune is that he plans to weaken his own fleet when he attempts to navigate the Deep Core with a small portion of his fleet, thus making it easier for Emperor Krayt's navy to gain naval superiority in the theater of war.
That's seems like an unlikely plan, most likely the Alliance will choose to weaken the enemy first, capture Foerost and then mount an offensive. And if there shipyards are destroyed the KV won't be able to rebuild their fleets. Edited by Beniboybling
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Yes but taking or capturing the planets isnt the point, stopping them from supporting the war effort it is, i can simply wait out their supplies and bombard them and send my fighters and bombers to attack them where possible, victory will be a matter of time, it would only take at the most 30 ships to blockade the planet.


Meanwhile, the simultaneous strikes allow me to apply pressure to all fronts and cut the Alliance from itself, no support, no supplies and more and more viruses spread throughout the planets.


That way the 24,000,000 ground forces mean nothing and eventually run out of supplies and viable sources of sustenance, which will be all the faster with the sheer amount of men being supplied, fed and supported.


Surrender is certainly not out of the question for parts of the alliance.

Good point.
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Well the point is not the revolution, the point is that the virus serves as a very very very expensive distraction for the AoW to sort out, so expensive the New Republic almost went bankrupt.


Meanwhile a few of the fleets attack from Foerost, an expected move, the AoW goes to reinforce their positions when faced with this offensive.


That distraction or double distraction rather is going to allow Krayt's navy the chance to attack every single planet the AoW controls whilst the Alliance deals with this plague, thankfully my navy is larger will catch them off guard,


In the midst of the chaos on the ground, the Imperial Commando Unit can sneak in and out with relative ease given their best of the best of the elite status and turn off the shield generators which are stopping the Empire's Navy from using the Base Delta Zero tactic.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Well the point is not the revolution, the point is that the virus serves as a very very very expensive distraction for the AoW to sort out, so expensive the New Republic almost went bankrupt.


Meanwhile a few of the fleets attack from Foerost, an expected move, the AoW goes to reinforce their positions when faced with this offensive.


That distraction or double distraction rather is going to allow Krayt's navy the chance to attack every single planet the AoW controls whilst the Alliance deals with this plague, thankfully my navy is larger will catch them off guard,


In the midst of the chaos on the ground, the Imperial Commando Unit can sneak in and out with relative ease given their best of the best of the elite status and turn off the shield generators which are stopping the Empire's Navy from using the Base Delta Zero tactic.


Your Imperial Commando unit could likely only take 1 worlds shield down. Come on, they're good, but not good enough to face thousands of troops down and expect to make it out alive....


Also, tunes navy is almost your size, he has battle meditation and slightly better Supreme Commander. He also has the natural space defences the alliance constructed... Won't be an easy battle.

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Your Imperial Commando unit could likely only take 1 worlds shield down. Come on, they're good, but not good enough to face thousands of troops down and expect to make it out alive....


Also, tunes navy is almost your size, he has battle meditation and slightly better Supreme Commander. He also has the natural space defences the alliance constructed... Won't be an easy battle.

Actually he doesn't get those defenses as Kuat Drive Yards is not his supplier.


But yes, the planetary shields will be heavily protected.

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Your Imperial Commando unit could likely only take 1 worlds shield down. Come on, they're good, but not good enough to face thousands of troops down and expect to make it out alive....


Also, tunes navy is almost your size, he has battle meditation and slightly better Supreme Commander. He also has the natural space defences the alliance constructed... Won't be an easy battle.


These guys faced far far more than a couple of thousand in the Clone Wars and they were the best of the best given that they were the ones that survived the war as a whole, Delta squad alone faced down nearly 700 droids and came out on top.


Do not underestimate the absolute top notch skill these guys have, these guys are the best of the best in the most elite force that ever walked on ground.


Delta Squad.

Omega Squad.

Galaar Squad.

Alpha-class ARC Troopers.


There are many more where they came from, they numbered in total 1,000 men, 250 per planet is more than enough for that job, not only that but they will be going in stealthed, hitting hard and getting in and out very very quickly.


Tune's navy is not almost my size he is a couple hundred ships below my size and how vast was Leia's battle meditation? oh right, it effected one battle, hardly turning the tide of war.


And I still question the validity of the claim that Wedge > Gilad, Gilad lost one series of battles to wedge and that was because he was out-numbered from the start and his ships were already damaged, he still held off Wedge long enough for reinforcements to come in and win their small war.


Beyond that Gilad Pallaeon learned directly from Thrawn and became the absolute Supreme Commander, he was also might I add considered the best tactician in the Galactic Alliance, which obviously contained a lot of New Republic officers as well, he was chosen to lead the war against Darth Caedus in the Second Galactic Civll War in many of the major engagements.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Tune's navy is not almost my size he is a couple hundred ships below my size and how vast was Leia's battle meditation? oh right, it effected one battle, hardly turning the tide of war.


And I still question the validity of the claim that Wedge > Gilad, Gilad lost one series of battles to wedge and that was because he was out-numbered from the start and his ships were already damaged, he still held off Wedge long enough for reinforcements to come in and win their small war.


Beyond that Gilad Pallaeon learned directly from Thrawn and became the absolute Supreme Commander, he was also might I add considered the best tactician in the Galactic Alliance, which obviously contained a lot of New Republic officers as well, he was chosen to lead the war against Darth Caedus in the Second Galactic Civll War in many of the major engagements.

20 ships. Anyway, remember that there will only be five fronts to the KVs invasion, losing one of those battles could turn the tide of the war. And battle meditation is very potent. Also remember that the majortiy of the Alliance' planets are in the Mid Rim. So by the time your fleets arrive the other battles may well be over, and if the battle Leia participated in ended in their favour, that fleet could move to reinforce the Mid Rim.


Also there is a possibility that the sole route into the Hapes Cluster could be blockaded.

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Actually he doesn't get those defenses as Kuat Drive Yards is not his supplier.


But yes, the planetary shields will be heavily protected.


Beni bull.......http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Alliance_Army look at equipment..... are you going to tell me I get none of that equipment if I don't have the particular company that built it.....you would have to do the same for rayla..... I get the things I linked.

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Beni bull.......http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Alliance_Army look at equipment..... are you going to tell me I get none of that equipment if I don't have the particular company that built it.....you would have to do the same for rayla..... I get the things I linked.
You get vehicles and transports, not cannons. Hence why Krayt's Vision isn't receiving hypervelocity guns etc.


Such things must come from your supplier.

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20 ships. Anyway, remember that there will only be five fronts to the KVs invasion, losing one of those battles could turn the tide of the war. And battle meditation is very potent. Also remember that the majortiy of the Alliance' planets are in the Mid Rim. So by the time your fleets arrive the other battles may well be over, and if the battle Leia participated in ended in their favour, that fleet could move to reinforce the Mid Rim.


Also there is a possibility that the sole route into the Hapes Cluster could be blockaded.


It most assuredly will be and technically to get to any of my other planets she has to go through either Brentaal or Rendili as all of the lanes to those more outer planets go through those 2 planets.... both of them like Rayla is my ships yard worlds. Give me some time and I will post why none of this even matters as they are going to be moving where I want them.


Wedge fought on a near even capacity with Pallaeon when Pallaeon was on the defensive something we have admitted that Pallaeon is better at and Offense is something we have admitted Wedge is worse at. You reverse that and he does take the advantage in a defensive battle but again none of this will matter I know I keep saying I am going to post some more of this stuff and I am just need time to sort it all out.



Also we have covered it multiple times you don't outnumber me by a large amount and thanks to the Viscounts and the Mediators you don't outgun me at all. We are even tactically and we are even in Firepower.

Edited by tunewalker
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You get vehicles and transports, not cannons. Hence why Krayt's Vision isn't receiving hypervelocity guns etc.


Such things must come from your supplier.


why would they have hypervelocity guns was it a part of the 501st?..... last I checked no. Mine was part of my army you said I got the army the full thing with all its bells and whistles are you now denying just that. Am I dealing with a nerf to my ground forces and yet another imperial decree from Beni helping rayla out because the last 2 weren't good enough allowing her to change a leadership member mid fight and get captains from the fel empire regardless that the rules for every kaggath before this and the rules set up prior to all of the kaggath's set up stated other wise. Do you have any more decrees you want to put against me beni so I can actually start argueing a Kaggath or would you prefer to reveal more so Rayla can get into a better position.

Edited by tunewalker
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20 ships. Anyway, remember that there will only be five fronts to the KVs invasion, losing one of those battles could turn the tide of the war. And battle meditation is very potent. Also remember that the majortiy of the Alliance' planets are in the Mid Rim. So by the time your fleets arrive the other battles may well be over, and if the battle Leia participated in ended in their favour, that fleet could move to reinforce the Mid Rim.


Also there is a possibility that the sole route into the Hapes Cluster could be blockaded.


I was told he had 1400 ships, I have 1600 ships.


Losing one battle is possible but I have doubts about how powerful this battle meditation was, how did she use it? what was it's effects? before I was being told it would win the war, now I have noticed it was used in battles, not whole wars, so now i am wondering just how potent Leia's own un-trained version of Battle Meditation is.


You also forget how fast my fleets are, the Ardent Fast-frigates are very very fast and would appear in battles a lot faster than a normal fleet would, that was their purpose, extremely mobile fast attack platforms.


You are also not considering the two distractions as noted earlier, the virus and the predictable theatre of war out of the Foerost system will be two excellent distractions, these distractions will prove more than enough as will the surprisingly fast attacks.


And with the capability to defend against BDZ bombardments neutralised by the Imperial Commando Unit across the war, the ease of which I can annihilate planets is a heavy advantage for myself.


Now blockading the Hapes Cluster is all well and good but leaving the rest of his planets to get picked off would only secure my victory, especially given the amount of ships the Alliance would lose doing so.

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I was told he had 1400 ships, I have 1600 ships.


Losing one battle is possible but I have doubts about how powerful this battle meditation was, how did she use it? what was it's effects? before I was being told it would win the war, now I have noticed it was used in battles, not whole wars, so now i am wondering just how potent Leia's own un-trained version of Battle Meditation is.


You also forget how fast my fleets are, the Ardent Fast-frigates are very very fast and would appear in battles a lot faster than a normal fleet would, that was their purpose, extremely mobile fast attack platforms.


You are also not considering the two distractions as noted earlier, the virus and the predictable theatre of war out of the Foerost system will be two excellent distractions, these distractions will prove more than enough as will the surprisingly fast attacks.


And with the capability to defend against BDZ bombardments neutralised by the Imperial Commando Unit across the war, the ease of which I can annihilate planets is a heavy advantage for myself.


Now blockading the Hapes Cluster is all well and good but leaving the rest of his planets to get picked off would only secure my victory, especially given the amount of ships the Alliance would lose doing so.


all fleets have had their size reduced you have 160 I have 140 and it wouldn't matter the number of ships when its 1400 and 1600 is still large enough for both of us that I can defend all of my planets and Hapes is blockaded because you cant get to any of my other planets with out going through Rendilli and Brentaal. Also you greatly overestimate all of your abilities especially the Imperial commando unit. You have 1000 of these.... I have 100,000 special forces members your 1k can by blocked by 2-3k rebel special forces units get some respect for the Rebel special forces they were just as top notch.


Leia's battle meditation started out untrained but she refined it enough to be capable of the Force Meld technique when fighting with family members so it was advanced but yes could only affect 1 battle at a time. To bad the whole idea of divide and conquer literally means you are spreading your forces thin meaning the battles I engage you in I will win. Your ships are faster because they are 100 years newer and hyperdrive tech is better so we would be equivlant speed. Once you lose one battle its just a matter of me taking my fleet to the next and smacking you down again and again. The commando's aren't getting throught the 25 million ground troops and (more importantly) the 60 thousand or more Special forces members set up for defense do not underestimate the special forces members of the Rebel alliance.

Edited by tunewalker
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I do not agree by any measure at all, the Imperial Commando Unit was way beyond just your typical SpecOps force, they have faced far far higher odds than that in battles as individual squads alone.


How about my forces get some damn respect for once, any time I mention any kind of elite forces or advanced ships I get shut down immediately and get told 'nah not really' how the hell is the 501st not the best damn legion of troops you could have? how aren't the most highly skilled commandos in the biggest war the galaxy ever saw not the most elite? none of this makes any sense, you want to talk to me about giving some respect show my forces the respect they should be getting.


And there is more proof this isn't just more advanced tech, the Ardent-class Fast-Frigates, they were considered alot faster than everything else in their time, the darted in and out of battles with ease and were considered able to reach a system in half the time of a regular frigate or similar ship.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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I do not agree by any measure at all, the Imperial Commando Unit was way beyond just your typical SpecOps force, they have faced far far higher odds than that in battles as individual squads alone.


How about my forces get some damn respect for once, any time I mention any kind of elite forces or advanced ships I get shut down immediately and get told 'nah not really' how the hell is the 501st not the best damn legion of troops you could have? how aren't the most highly skilled commandos in the biggest war the galaxy ever saw not the most elite? none of this makes any sense, you want to talk to me about giving some respect show my forces the respect they should be getting.


And there is more proof this isn't just more advanced tech, the Ardent-class Fast-Frigates, they were considered alot faster than everything else in their time, the darted in and out of battles with ease and were considered able to reach a system in half the time of a regular frigate or similar ship.


they are not spec ops they are spec forces.... there are 2 different portions of my army.



Also I gave them respect I figured they could defeat my rebel special forces at a 2:1 and possibly 3:1 ratio..... 10k of which have been described as "They also took part in invasions, armed with sniper rifles and grenades for destruction of vehicles and structures. They specialize in anti-infantry operations, and can take out a stormtrooper platoon with in minutes" might I add the 501st wasn't the best ground unit but the best STORMTROOPER unit. The Imperial Guard were better and were more feared by the rebel alliance. The units I have were the most feared by the imperials because they were the best of the best of the best. I still gave you that you could beat them 3:1 I just have you outnumbered with guys like this at a 100:1 ratio.



As for the frigates there were several frigates I owned at the time that were faster then most others as well.... we can go round and round with that and you should know that.

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Rayla, those squads are all well and good, but taking on 700 droids doesn't even mean you can take out 100 rebels.


Those droids marched straight down the line of sight, we saw one of Delta Squad in the clone wars, he took on a lot of droids but only because they walked straight down the line of sight.


It's a lot harder to face 10 rebels than it is 10 droids, and there's even more rebels facing these squads than there were droids...

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why would they have hypervelocity guns was it a part of the 501st?..... last I checked no. Mine was part of my army you said I got the army the full thing with all its bells and whistles are you now denying just that. Am I dealing with a nerf to my ground forces and yet another imperial decree from Beni helping rayla out because the last 2 weren't good enough allowing her to change a leadership member mid fight and get captains from the fel empire regardless that the rules for every kaggath before this and the rules set up prior to all of the kaggath's set up stated other wise. Do you have any more decrees you want to put against me beni so I can actually start argueing a Kaggath or would you prefer to reveal more so Rayla can get into a better position.
No cannons. End of story. You get vehicles and transports. This rule has been upheld since the very beginning of the Kaggath and I do not plan on changing it. So enough with these claims of biased.


And for the record the cannons you pointed to are no more affliated to the Alliance Army than a hypervelocity cannon is to the 501st. You cannot exploit the fact that Wookiee chose to display them on the same page. In the end, they were weapons employed by the Rebel Alliance, just like the hypervelocity cannon was a weapon employed by the Empire. Having access to ground forces of either party does not mean you can use them


If you feel I am going back on previous comments then please indicate where I said cannons would be permitted. Because I never recall saying you would have "all the bells and whistles" and certainly not in this sense.

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I would like to point out something, you are both assuming that this is going to be a direct ground battle, it isn't going to be, it is going to be a covert operation, they will hit one target, 250 Imperial Commandos is a very very potent force, in-fact i would like to get Wolfninjajedi in on this because he can tell you plain as day how good these guys actually are.


A cover assault on one objective is a piece of cake for Commandos that have hit far harder targets than that, you are also assuming they will see these guys coming, cover drops and infiltration type assaults are going to be much more difficult to defend against than facing them in a one on one battle.

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You are also not considering the two distractions as noted earlier, the virus and the predictable theatre of war out of the Foerost system will be two excellent distractions, these distractions will prove more than enough as will the surprisingly fast attacks.
Why? What use will ships and soldiers be when dealing with a virus?


The situation can be completely ignored if need be.

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I would like to point out something, you are both assuming that this is going to be a direct ground battle, it isn't going to be, it is going to be a covert operation, they will hit one target, 250 Imperial Commandos is a very very potent force, in-fact i would like to get Wolfninjajedi in on this because he can tell you plain as day how good these guys actually are.


A cover assault on one objective is a piece of cake for Commandos that have hit far harder targets than that, you are also assuming they will see these guys coming, cover drops and infiltration type assaults are going to be much more difficult to defend against than facing them in a one on one battle.


Umm... Doesn't matter if they see you coming or not, they'd be trying to defend it anyway. Because there's nothing else they CAN do to help, other than tilt their guns into the air and try and shoot the fleet down >.>


Oh, and do you have stealthed vessels? 'Cause going through a plannetary shield is detected by the distortions anyway.

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