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Kaggath Tournament - Alliance of Worlds vs Krayt's Vision


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No I did I am not using enemy ships I am traveling to your worlds on your cargoships.... I already said that a long time ago.... If all of your ground forces are being used in a defensive manner you will have a serious problem attacking me in any way......... Talon is being underestimated....... are you saying Talon Can 2v1 RotJ Luke and Leia using Force meld cus if this is the case no i am not underestimating him you are greating exagurating his abilities.


And the number 1000.....Spec force infiltrators.... all while you chase the 20,000 Spec ops members and the dissidents created on your worlds by the uprising civilian population backed by 1000 UCS I Believe I have said this before if not..... I apolligise if you think i need more i can always send more Spec force infiltrators and UCS I have a few in reserve. By the way Spec force infiltrators were the most feared rebel troop they were capable of taking out a platoon of storm troopers single handedly in under a minute and were so dedicated to their duties that many did not escape their own traps ensureing mission success by killing themselves and destroying the target.... so 1000..... might just do the trick.

The problem here is though that the probots are equipped with scanners and will likely be scanning the cargo ships as the pass through checkpoints. Any unregisted life forms will be picked up on and be routed.


However there is little stopping the Alliance boarding cargo transports and ensuring they never reach their destination, effectively sabotaging the KVs supply routes and making it very difficult for them to enter a war of attrition.


A war that the Alliance will demand.

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The problem here is though that the probots are equipped with scanners and will likely be scanning the cargo ships as the pass through checkpoints. Any unregisted life forms will be picked up on and be routed.


However there is little stopping the Alliance boarding cargo transports and ensuring they never reach their destination, effectively sabotaging the KVs supply routes and making it very difficult for them to enter a war of attrition.


A war that the Alliance will demand.


Um there is always the possibility that every member there is registered as all of the special forces are trained in k'tara which was a martial arts based around taking out an opponent quickly and silently and then assume the identies of the people who ran those cargo ships so every one of them appears to be "registered".

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Um there is always the possibility that every member there is registered as all of the special forces are trained in k'tara which was a martial arts based around taking out an opponent quickly and silently and then assume the identies of the people who ran those cargo ships so every one of them appears to be "registered".
I doubt those cargo ships will be manned by any more than a handful of people, if not droids.


Hardly enough to conceal a force of 20,000.

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I doubt those cargo ships will be manned by any more than a handful of people, if not droids.


Hardly enough to conceal a force of 20,000.


I am not counting on them concealing 20,000 people. remember the 20,000 are the shadows to be chased the people meant to be caught to make sure the rest get through they are the ones to make the empire think they are doing a good job allowing the rest to slip by unnoticed.



Edit: also think about the damage those 20k will do every time you catch up with one (which you are supposed to catch up to them) it will cost you krath droids and 501st.

Edited by tunewalker
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Also we have to talk about my 10k Spec force Marines.....with as few ground troops you have these guys could board and take quite a few of your ships as just 40 of them could take an Imperial star destroyer when its primary ground forces were on the ground the crew showing little resistance so if you need the 501st chasing Spec ops and Spec infiltrators and UCS then that leaves little to defend your ships from boarding parties (not all attempted boarding parties will be successful but 10-20 will very much turn the tide of a close space combat).
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Also we have to talk about my 10k Spec force Marines.....with as few ground troops you have these guys could board and take quite a few of your ships as just 40 of them could take an Imperial star destroyer when its primary ground forces were on the ground the crew showing little resistance so if you need the 501st chasing Spec ops and Spec infiltrators and UCS then that leaves little to defend your ships from boarding parties (not all attempted boarding parties will be successful but 10-20 will very much turn the tide of a close space combat).



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Tunewalker, you've yet to talk about the Agave-Class Picket Ship stealth capabilities, would be a great drop ship to throw down some troops...


I thought i did they were how my troops were going to get on to the initial world as they would sneak in, in the middle of a space battle over head. and how the brentaalans were going to get by mapping one of the secret lanes and then dropping people onto those worlds directly ..... beni said the kaggath would be over before then.... and it may.... i may have Krayt dead before then.....

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I thought i did they were how my troops were going to get on to the initial world and how the brnetaalans were going to get by mapping one of the secret lanes and then dropping people onto those worlds directly ..... beni said the kaggath would be over before then.... and it may.... i may have Krayt dead before then.....


I'm talking bringing strike teams directly to krayt, just like the last Kaggath.


Luke and Leia, like I said, are pretty insane combatants together... And they've both fought fine on Byss...

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I'm talking bringing strike teams directly to krayt, just like the last Kaggath.


Luke and Leia, like I said, are pretty insane combatants together... And they've both fought fine on Byss...


dont forget..... more spec infiltrators and IG-88..... IG-88 is very important.... but they cant go straight up the main lane because of the intradiction mines set up that was pointed out at the start. Though Luke and Leia maybe able to Navigate the secret lanes without help from the bentaalans just like Luke did for the Maw instillation using force meld can very much increase Luke and Leia's senses and allow them to do this..... which mens i wouldn't need to use stealth ships i can just drop the fleet on his face and bypass Foerost.....

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Now unless you've got any other plans for infiltrating my faction, to take down my infrastructure or leadership, which I have just proved is going to be incredibly difficult to do, I will move on to my next point.


Going on the offensive, now it would be foolish to drag out my fleets and engage in an open war, that would make it a lot easier to get through my almost impenetrable tiers of defence going through the sole hyperspace lane to my worlds.


To make things much simpler i will instead spread propaganda and news footage of rebel forces committing terrorist acts across the Empire, showing the truly evil acts committed by the Rebel SpecOps.


Eventually my infiltrator probe droids can capture and seize control of AoW supply ships or better yet hide on them and eventually infiltrate the worlds of the Alliance, worlds with such massive populations will be perfect playing grounds for small droids to act in, but infiltration will not be the true motive behind these acts, these droids will be filled with the Krytos Virus, leaking it into major water supplies, injecting it into sleeping persons, etc.... eventually the virus will have entire planets completely crippled and panicked.


But one thing will be noticed, the humans in these populations aren't getting sick and seeing the acts the rebels have already committed to Krayt's Empire, they will put two and two together and eventually revolution will be on the hands of the Alliance of Worlds throwing it into chaos, with massive populations being killed over night.


Soon the Alliance of Worlds will be ripe for a massive invasion force, with the Alliance so busy trying to keep itself together and the worlds being absolutely thrown into huge revolutions against the alliance, the Empire attacks, blockading worlds and devastating already out-numbered fleets, these first few victories will build a momentum, with overwhelming numbers of fleets I can effectively chase down fleeing ships with my much faster frigates and then Star Destroyers in tow, this momentum could effectively have me win so many battles and cripple so many enemy fleets and production worlds that I could effectively cripple the Alliance of Worlds and leave it with nowhere near as many ships as it would need to effectively win.


By this time I can simply send more and more fleets down different hyperspace routes, cutting off escapes and more important cutting off the alliance from each other, by which point the Alliance will have suffered so many casualties it would be unable to mount an effective counter-offensive.


Then all I need to do is BDZ the rest of the planets that Leia and her insignificant rebellion could be hiding on, effectively the war can be won in a matter of days, the speed of the virus is very impressive, the revolution will cause major damage to the defences of the Alliance's worlds and in the midst of the chaos I can launch one massive invasion pointed at effectively every single planet in the Alliance.

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Now unless you've got any other plans for infiltrating my faction, to take down my infrastructure or leadership, which I have just proved is going to be incredibly difficult to do, I will move on to my next point.


Going on the offensive, now it would be foolish to drag out my fleets and engage in an open war, that would make it a lot easier to get through my almost impenetrable tiers of defence going through the sole hyperspace lane to my worlds.


To make things much simpler i will instead spread propaganda and news footage of rebel forces committing terrorist acts across the Empire, showing the truly evil acts committed by the Rebel SpecOps.


Eventually my infiltrator probe droids can capture and seize control of AoW supply ships or better yet hide on them and eventually infiltrate the worlds of the Alliance, worlds with such massive populations will be perfect playing grounds for small droids to act in, but infiltration will not be the true motive behind these acts, these droids will be filled with the Krytos Virus, leaking it into major water supplies, injecting it into sleeping persons, etc.... eventually the virus will have entire planets completely crippled and panicked.


But one thing will be noticed, the humans in these populations aren't getting sick and seeing the acts the rebels have already committed to Krayt's Empire, they will put two and two together and eventually revolution will be on the hands of the Alliance of Worlds throwing it into chaos, with massive populations being killed over night.


Soon the Alliance of Worlds will be ripe for a massive invasion force, with the Alliance so busy trying to keep itself together and the worlds being absolutely thrown into huge revolutions against the alliance, the Empire attacks, blockading worlds and devastating already out-numbered fleets, these first few victories will build a momentum, with overwhelming numbers of fleets I can effectively chase down fleeing ships with my much faster frigates and then Star Destroyers in tow, this momentum could effectively have me win so many battles and cripple so many enemy fleets and production worlds that I could effectively cripple the Alliance of Worlds and leave it with nowhere near as many ships as it would need to effectively win.


By this time I can simply send more and more fleets down different hyperspace routes, cutting off escapes and more important cutting off the alliance from each other, by which point the Alliance will have suffered so many casualties it would be unable to mount an effective counter-offensive.


Then all I need to do is BDZ the rest of the planets that Leia and her insignificant rebellion could be hiding on, effectively the war can be won in a matter of days, the speed of the virus is very impressive, the revolution will cause major damage to the defences of the Alliance's worlds and in the midst of the chaos I can launch one massive invasion pointed at effectively every single planet in the Alliance.


First where are you getting this virus..... second majority of the populations on these worlds are human so it would have no effect on them. Third all of my worlds have multiple http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/GenCore_Level_II because my army owned a lot of them so you cant BDZ any of them.... also again Leia her forsight has always been about tragic events and things of the like she may foresee this and with the first video's the spec ops are going to be all about uncovering this plot and showing it to be false....in addition to making Isard chase shadows.... which it will successfully do as it has done time and time again against the empire who was using the same means to stop intelligence leaks as you are. Also Leia is incredibly charismatic and can keep the people calm letting them know its all a lie. My worlds are much less likely to rebel then yours are.



Edit: also I am pretty sure you have a very limited amount of these droids to start and on a planet like Arkania where its such an icy tundra the droids are not likely going to be able to hide from http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EnhanceScan_general-purpose_scanner though the others may work but not for long once I discover them I have more then enough forces (Millions in fact) to track them down and once I am backed up into Hapes its just as difficult to get into as the Deep core. Actually do to the size of my army I could very well put up a lot of people on board those supply ships to make sure they are secure from such a tactic and likely will have people to do just that.

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I am not counting on them concealing 20,000 people. remember the 20,000 are the shadows to be chased the people meant to be caught to make sure the rest get through they are the ones to make the empire think they are doing a good job allowing the rest to slip by unnoticed.



Edit: also think about the damage those 20k will do every time you catch up with one (which you are supposed to catch up to them) it will cost you krath droids and 501st.

I think some elaboration is required.
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First where are you getting this virus..... second majority of the populations on these worlds are human so it would have no effect on them. Third all of my worlds have multiple http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/GenCore_Level_II because my army owned a lot of them so you cant BDZ any of them.... also again Leia her forsight has always been about tragic events and things of the like she may foresee this and with the first video's the spec ops are going to be all about uncovering this plot and showing it to be false..... which it will successfully do as it has done time and time again against the empire who was using the same means to stop intelligence leaks as you are.


Ysanne Isard has it, also it doesnt matter what the human/alien ratio is, many of your own specops are bothans, etc... the effect will be felt.


And even with potential defences against BDZs, the 501st is more than capable of getting to these defenses, shutting them down and winning wars in that manner.


If we are going to seriously say that Leia can see basically every move that is made then honestly I dont see how her or traya cant win wars on their own, if this was such n effective counter-measure it would be nearly impossible to beat anyone with these visions.... but oh wait.... Emperor Krayt.


Also, there is nothing to leak but the truth, you want to send in specops to damage infrastructure across my empire, any successful attempts can be recorded and spread across the holonets, etc... truth gets out, lies quickly fade.

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I thought i did they were how my troops were going to get on to the initial world as they would sneak in, in the middle of a space battle over head. and how the brentaalans were going to get by mapping one of the secret lanes and then dropping people onto those worlds directly ..... beni said the kaggath would be over before then.... and it may.... i may have Krayt dead before then.....
The problem here is that the planet's deflector shields will be raised during space battles.
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The problem here is that the planet's deflector shields will be raised during space battles.


I know but we can still land troops if you land visible ground troops such as 50,000 rebel troops with a few hundred Spec force Heavy weapons specialists and http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/T4-B_heavy_tank and vangaurds armed with http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/GX-15_concussion_missile then they will be to busy dealing with these to notice Special forces members getting in.

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Ysanne Isard has it.
I'm afraid she doesn't. The virus was engineered by Evir Derricote who for the purpose of this Kaggath is non-existent.


Isard, not being a scientist, and the virus not being available on any kind of market, simple does not have the means to acquire it. Nor does your supplier, so I'm afraid its just not a possibility.

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I'm afraid she doesn't. The virus was engineered by Evir Derricote who for the purpose of this Kaggath is non-existent.


Isard, not being a scientist, and the virus not being available on any kind of market, simple does not have the means to acquire it. Nor does your supplier, so I'm afraid its just not a possibility.


So Ysanne Isard, the director of the entire project doesnt have the project?

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Ysanne Isard has it, also it doesnt matter what the human/alien ratio is, many of your own specops are bothans, etc... the effect will be felt.


And even with potential defences against BDZs, the 501st is more than capable of getting to these defenses, shutting them down and winning wars in that manner.


If we are going to seriously say that Leia can see basically every move that is made then honestly I dont see how her or traya cant win wars on their own, if this was such n effective counter-measure it would be nearly impossible to beat anyone with these visions.... but oh wait.... Emperor Krayt.


Also, there is nothing to leak but the truth, you want to send in specops to damage infrastructure across my empire, any successful attempts can be recorded and spread across the holonets, etc... truth gets out, lies quickly fade.


yes please tell me how the 10k 501st are going to get in and hit 2 separate targets all of which are protected by 1 million rebel troops armed with.







and a bunch of other stuff.



Edit: awaits nerf bat.....

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yes please tell me how the 10k 501st are going to get in and hit 2 separate targets all of which are protected by 1 million rebel troops armed with.







and a bunch of other stuff.


1,000,000 rebel troops? what? how the hell does anyone have 1,000,000 troops?

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1,000,000 rebel troops? what? how the hell does anyone have 1,000,000 troops?


500 million actually...... the major ground force.... which I was allowed gives me the full thing. they were 1:20th the size of the imperial army which was 1:100th the size of the droid army which numbered over 1 trillion.......



I have thousands of Sector forces (around 6k) each of which numbered some where between 10k-1 million strong depending on the sector force.







Edit2: by the way I have around 65K repel Spec forces to and they were not slouches..... 10 divisions each one containing 7 regiments of which were comprised of 3-6 companies depending on the regiment and a company was made up of more then 200 people.



Edit 3: Awaits giant nerf bat.....

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