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Storyline Progression


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I am curious about what kind of progression there will be to personal and Empire vs. Republic storylines with the announcement of the PvP Digital Expansion.


Obviously, there won't be with this expansion but are there plans to progress those stories in the future?



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I am curious about what kind of progression there will be to personal and Empire vs. Republic storylines with the announcement of the PvP Digital Expansion.


Obviously, there won't be with this expansion but are there plans to progress those stories in the future?




It looks pretty grim right now. Chances are there will only be planetary / faction-based storylines from now on like Makeb instead of individual class stories. It would be a shame if it turned out like this however, because the class stories are what made me play this game and I don't want to lose my personal connection to these characters.


What I'm hoping for at the moment however is that the attention is going back towards Republic VS Empire. Since the end of Chapter 3, the focus has been more on the Hutt Cartel and the Dread Masters than the actual factions who are at war with each other.

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Yeah that's what I came back to SWTOR for, but don't get me wrong space combat is pretty cool.


I don't mind waiting for great personal story progression, but I do expect that in this game at some point. It's a Bioware game right?


I'd like a developer to clarify whether or not they plan to so I can decide whether I want to continue subscribing after these 6 months.

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Ya Bioware = Story to me.


While I remember having hella fun playing X Wing vs. Tie Fighter, and welcome that in this game I just want to know if they want to continue the sagas they built or if this game is moving on from that. I don't mind having a lot more to do than story, I welcome it, but to me it's a foundational thing to keep the stories progressing.

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It likely they will focus only at planetary storylines from now on, and in this case similar to Ilum & Makeb's story. I think it's because both individual class and faction based stories has cost a lot of resources especially on the voice acting, but faction based storylines are what make the whole story progress. Unfortunately, many of the class stories would die out with the lack of continuity and players will lose personal connection to his/her own character, companions and their own story.


I think judging by the story direction recently it's heading back to "Empire vs Republic", and if to be more specific "Empire strikes back" phase are coming. That said, I can't discuss any of the details from datamining, but there are little bit of story in this Space Combat PvP Digital Expansion, and moderate chance for more planets, while there are slim chance for the returning of class stories.


I expected several more new planets on the future expansion, and I hope it's not just hub world for dailies, operations or flashpoints only.

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I think an Empire strikes back phase is coming too, but it would be a mistake to give up the companion and class stories, especially since they are related to the overall conflict in profound ways.


Even if there were fewer overall phased quests, it would be nonsensical to sever the connections each story has to the whole

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