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Huttball issue: scored a point without crossing the opposing teams goal line.


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Made a bug report in game, now following up with forum post in case this is not an isolated incident.


Character: Republic, Sou'briquet, level 40 Smuggler Gunslinger. Time of incident: 17:48 Eastern Standard, Tuesday, 8th October. Server: The Harbinger. Place of Incident: Huttball Warzone, Republic vs. Imperial standard.


Description of bug: On two separate occasions the Huttball was passed to my character, and on both occasions our team was awarded a corresponding point. However, on both occasions my character was not at the opposing teams goal line when the points were awarded to my team.


On the first instance, my character was on the enemy lower left catwalk directly leading to the opposing teams goal line when the ball was passed to me and my team was immediately awarded the point bringing my team's score to 5.


Second instance, my character was at the right side of the central catwalk that overlooks the immediate center of the battleground, when the ball was past to me and my team was again immediately awarded the point without me having crossed the opposing teams goal line, and our team being awarded the sixth and final point.


No abnormal activity occurred, that I noticed, that would have precluded this event. I have no idea how to recreate this bug, nor do I intend to find out. If this was an isolated incident, great. If it was not, and should occur again, I will update this thread as needed; and I encourage others who may encounter this bug, to also bring to it to light.


Even if this was an isolated incident, I hope to have it investigated and quickly fixed.

Edited by MasterVile
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