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[Bug] Rail Shot Vents 16 Heat (instead of 8) in Merc Pyro


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I didn't see any report of this in the Bugs subforum, so I thought I would throw it up here. The following combat log snippet says it all:


18:09:48.868 Pizza'dah'hutt activates Rail Shot.
18:09:48.869 Pizza'dah'hutt spends 16 energy.
18:09:48.970 Pizza'dah'hutt's Burning (Tech) critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 1290* elemental damage, causing 1290 threat!
18:09:49.374 Pizza'dah'hutt gains 8 energy.
18:09:49.374 Pizza'dah'hutt's Rail Shot critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 8927* energy damage, causing 8927 threat!
18:09:49.374 Pizza'dah'hutt gains 8 energy.
18:09:49.374 Pizza'dah'hutt's Combustible Gas Cylinder adds effect Burning (Tech) to Operations Training Dummy.
18:09:49.375 Pizza'dah'hutt's Burning (Tech) critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 1027* elemental damage, causing 1027 threat!
18:09:49.376 Pizza'dah'hutt's Burning (Tech) critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 1027* elemental damage, causing 1027 threat!
18:09:49.376 Pizza'dah'hutt's Rail Shot hits Operations Training Dummy for 346 energy damage, causing 346 threat.


Notice the *two* instances of "Pizza'dah'hutt gains 8 energy" in the same timestamp. This is in contrast to the Commando Assault spec effect:


22:52:09.928 Daharel activates High Impact Bolt.
22:52:09.929 Daharel spends 16 energy.
22:52:10.120 Daharel gains 8 energy.
22:52:10.120 Daharel's Plasma Cell adds effect Burning (Tech) to Operations Training Dummy.
22:52:10.121 Daharel's Burning (Tech) hits Operations Training Dummy for 472 elemental damage, causing 472 threat.
22:52:10.121 Daharel's Burning (Tech) critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 955* elemental damage, causing 955 threat!
22:52:10.351 Daharel's High Impact Bolt critically hits Operations Training Dummy for 9398* energy damage, causing 9398 threat!


What appears to be happening here is the off-hand hit from the newly redesigned Rail Shot is procing the energy regen *in addition* to the main hand hit. This means that the average energy return from Rail Shot in Pyro is (8 + 8 * 0.77) / 7.5 = 1.888/sec, whereas the average energy return from High Impact Bolt in Assault is 8 / 7.5 = 1.067/sec, giving Pyro Mercenaries an 11.62% energy regeneration advantage over Assault Commandos (a "mirror" advanced class).


The practical results of this are that Pyro Mercenaries are achieving DPS numbers which are extremely high, given the armor debuff and execute present in the spec. With just a 78 off-hand, Pyro Mercs are seeing parse values around 3.4k on the Operations Training Dummy, whereas Assault Commandos are seeing numbers closer to 3.1k at the extreme high end. When adjusting for armor debuff and execute, this would appear to put Pyro Mercenaries dramatically above the DPS average across other ranged specs (even above snipers).


While it's really nice for Pyro to be a respected spec again, this is a bit out of control. It seems clear that this is a bug and should be rectified as soon as possible. At the very least, it breaks the mirroring between Commandos and Mercenaries to the point where the latter AC is capable of achieving dramatically higher numbers than the former.

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