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LFG For Wrld Firsts/WTB Certain Items


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Ok, let's try this again, in a shorter, simpler fashion...




Despite mey opinyon of this servr being low, and am likely going to transfer, as am going nowhere here, and will be posting a similar thread on other servr forums to see which have, and how much of, what ey'm LF to do and to buy, and then that will determine which one/s ey go to, and in what order ey do so, ey figured ey might as well give it a go asking these things here again.


Am LFGs for top-tier content on the Rep side, am the subject of much abuse ovr the past 2 yrs here, and want to vindicate that by dwning upcoming NITmode versions of ops (dred fortres and palac for ex) WRLD FIRST and secret boses such as haytful essenc (which has been done before ey could get to it, know, just sayn as an ex.) WRLD FIRST, only, ey looked at some of the top-tier gilds' sites, and ey'm not keen on:


submitting a formal application to em,


nor be recorded, unless maybe for a wrld first, which ey'll just mute mey mic in their voiceovr program,


nor join their battl-counter (torpRse for ex.), at least not till ey'm in full top-tier gear, as it will be lower then the rest in grp's, and don't wanna keep hearing that, ey get peopl wanna know ey know what ey'm doing, and ey do, ey know mey build and rotation, it's just a gear issue w/ mself,


nor actually have to join the gild in question n run around with their tag on mey nameplate,


but if yr gild is a top-tier one that doesn't have such req.'s, (ey know some that don't ey've run with and been successful in tuff content before, just they usually full, so it's semi-frequent only), or usually does but are willing to make an exception, plz PM mself w/ info/voiceovr info, mayeb for a verbal interview, etc.



Ey also WTB any skip tracr crates and packs one may hav to sell, particularly for the ambasador hoverchair speedr, and model domin. and suprem. fighters. If yrself has any rare and/or discontinued items and/or these listed items on any servr, plz PM mself with info (such as servr/chr name, items have, etc.) also to discuss a deal.


Plz excuse some mispelt words, can explain em, if one doesn't already know why ey typ some, select, words incorrectly (it's not to mess with others).


Thanks for readn.

Edited by JonnyMadDog
Correct a typo.
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The <Nit Mr Plgrm Killers> are currently looking for an undergeared guardian dps to gear up quickly and put into a main dps spot on our raid team.


No need for voice comms because we know you can read our minds.

No need for parses because we fully trust in your skill.


Actually, you don't have to be in our guild at all! It's only a requirement for our officers.


If interested please whisper "Rippernine" or "Sylvand" in game.


Thanks for your time.

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Gettin sik of yr and othrs' b-es, reported for mocking.


There's nothing wrng with not joinin a grp's torpRse nor joinin their gild and running nitmode/secret bos content n doin it wrld first, and regarding voice comm, ey didn't say ey wouldn't join, ey always try n see if their voice comm and have np joinin it, now back to yr bridge.

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The <Nit Mr Plgrm Killers> are currently looking for an undergeared guardian dps to gear up quickly and put into a main dps spot on our raid team.


No need for voice comms because we know you can read our minds.

No need for parses because we fully trust in your skill.


Actually, you don't have to be in our guild at all! It's only a requirement for our officers.


If interested please whisper "Rippernine" or "Sylvand" in game.


Thanks for your time.



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Thx for doing so as well. Lol, actually, and this is just some info to anyoen considering comign to JC, at least in mey opinyon, esp. during the gre event (plz don't come back till next yr at the earliest...), the Empir side is actually the more honorable/peaceful side on this servr, forming lines n such. Pretty cool sitting there sayin "Hey how's forecast lookn on that side, dark?"
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Just gonna say JMD that those specific things that you refuse to do are exactly why no top tier, world first guild would allow you to join. Formal applications allow them to learn you're background, damage parsers allow them to analyze fights and learn how to better the group as a whole, recording allows them to study what happened after the fact and devise new ways to go about the fight(s), and having the guild tag is a sense of pride for them, they want everyone to be proud of the guild whereas running with them and not showing their tag could be seen as disrespectful to the rest of the group.


So why would they choose you, who refuses to do these simple things, over someone else equally skilled and geared who will do these things eagerly?


I mean no disrespect towards you, just stating a simple point that you can't seem to comprehend about this type of guild, which you seem intent on joining.

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The <Nit Mr Plgrm Killers> are currently looking for an undergeared guardian dps to gear up quickly and put into a main dps spot on our raid team.


No need for voice comms because we know you can read our minds.

No need for parses because we fully trust in your skill.



Actually, you don't have to be in our guild at all! It's only a requirement for our officers.


If interested please whisper "Rippernine" or "Sylvand" in game.


Thanks for your time.


Thank you, this was perfect. The level of ignorance in his post might very well have given me cancer.

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Thx for readn and a sensible reply, at least mroe so than others have posted on any of mey threads...


Yrself doesn't know ALL top tier gilds won't require these, or will make an exception, am posting on multiple forums these ads in an attempt for those gilds who won't or will to contact mself, or those who have the items am ltb.


Ok, ey guessit's ok to be recorded as long as at least tell mself they are and it's for private use (for strategy purposes/watchn tape) and only post the wrld first full clr/full dwning.


Ey'm not disrespectin anyone nor attemptin to with the no-their-tag on mey nameplate, it's due to the want to keep mey lgacy hold for extra space, as 5 cargo holds ARE NOT enuff, and many peopl agree and are willing to pay, mself inc., lots of reel money DEVS for mroe to be obtainable (10-unlimited), and it's not necessary rly, ey actualyl think it's a bit bahd that only all-in-gild grps are the oens to do n post these wrld firsts, when dredtoth/entity came about, beforethey came actually, ey wanted to organize the wrld first dwning and stick it to the all-gild grps and make it a community event to bring erbody closer/benefit the most peopl, as the more peopl/of diff gilds the better, variety the spice of lyf, "R diversity makes uhs strong"-gov./SC sare sh from T O R said it, only some stuff happened don't wanna get back into, and ey didn't do the wrld first nor servr first of that, as ey did lots of community events in Galaxys and wanted this gam to be like it more so, so ey just feel it's a bit of an elitist attitude to onyl do gild only runs and hayt how it's liek the same 1-2 gilds doing all the wrld first/secret stuff, the devs didn't put that stuff in for only 1-2 g rps to do, it's for all, and ey wanted/want to/will make grps with reps from a buncha diff/top tier gilds on a given servr/depending on wat r grps need and dwn stuff with em and/or P U G, as hayt only gild/coupl gild only runs as EVERYTHING is pggable and just wanted to propel pggs to prominence.


Mean, ey get the tightnitness of an all gild clring stuff to feel like a band of bros only did it, but a grp can be a band o bros too n clr stuff and not be all of one gild tagline on ther nameplates, plus ey like mey gild name, ey'm picky w/ names, and some gidls ey run with/want to in mey opinyon, ey don't find their gild names...favorable/in mey taste, no offense, so don't wanna have it.


Again, with the pRses getting into em, and them helping the grp analyze as a whole how to get better, how so? They onyl show dmg/thret/heals/dmg taken/time/etc., how can the 8th membr/mself/the undergeared slightly one need to be in it, if it can't and won't tell how skilled ey am only that ey'm not doing as much dmg as others, yr talkn about why gilds use it and there's nothin wrng with a gild/grp using it if in comparable gear for min/maxing/all that, these pRses only show stats, how can they show that the undergeared persn IS skilled/knows their rotation AS THEY (mself) DO/ES know, sure it does all of wat yr sayn, but it's mainly for those in comparable gear, ey'll already and have told em wat it'll say about mself, it won't be as high, YET, ey don't wanna b berated about it when ey already told em/tellin em now that, it's a gear issue, not a skill/rotation one, find out another trial/experiment to figure out if ey know that or not, pRses don't show that, PLUS ey tryd doin that stuff once, and it said it'd have full access to mey comp./unlimited and asked for permiss to continue and lookd unsafe, and am cautious around dwnloadin anything, as wanna protect mey computr.


To the other persn above pattn the "persn" if one can call em that, 's post mocking mey own, on the back, go bak to yr bridge too, am not ignorant, am nto troln anyone, am legit LFGs for gear and prestige and fun, and am very frequently on, they'll virtually nvr have to lf another melee again. Ey'm reaching out to diff servrs etc. as am goin no where with the amount of negativty get on JC and the FEW FEW amount of top tier gilds doin this stuff there/anywhere rly, and half don't like mself half r full, and don't wanna be left behind as if ey don't keep up, that's one less persn in the futur to pull from when a given grp is LFM peopl for it.


Also reported that persn for bein rude, like ey did the persn e's congratzing. That's insultn to those who have cancr, it's a srs issue, hayt when peopl say that, "that sentenc gave mself cancr" cause it had typos/mispelt words, etc..


Come on, help a fello community membr out here someon, somewhere, hayt being behind all the time...

Edited by JonnyMadDog
Fix typo and add something.
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Well, ey transferred a coupl nyts ago/mornin's ago, and so far have to say, the servr am on is nice. Dunno if will stay here tho, needa lvl more placeholders to 10 to check the others' gtns, and await PMs from top tier gilds that r interested in smelf earning a B spot then A spot afterwards, came here first to shop, this new servr, still on cd and need money so will likely be here a wek or almost, and maybe bounce to another this wekend, still dunno where will finalyl settle, but got the coins/money for it, at least once a wek, hopfully withn a few weks/by end of mnth will have found a new home servr n can press onward to mey goal of dwnign tuff/nitmode/secret bos content/discover stuff that's seceret WRLD FIRST. hope the nicer peopl on this servr r doin well. Also, btw, made a placeholder here so no funy biz w/ peopl tryn to swoop n and take mey name, mey placeholder is spelt the same, all others here r still impostrs/parodies. Edited by JonnyMadDog
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