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Feedback: GTN Unit Price


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-The current font for the gtn text in the unit price makes " , " and " . " look very similar due to small text.

-Is it really necessary for ALL items on the gtn to have a unit price attached to them even when they are listed as a single item and not a stack? Example: Someone lists a mount for 5,000,000 credits as the price. Does the gtn have to be redundant and also list the unit price as 5,000,000 credits? It just clutters up the market for me and makes it very annoying. I would suggest only adding unit price feature to items in a stack.


Thanks for reading.

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-The current font for the gtn text in the unit price makes " , " and " . " look very similar due to small text.

-Is it really necessary for ALL items on the gtn to have a unit price attached to them even when they are listed as a single item and not a stack? Example: Someone lists a mount for 5,000,000 credits as the price. Does the gtn have to be redundant and also list the unit price as 5,000,000 credits? It just clutters up the market for me and makes it very annoying. I would suggest only adding unit price feature to items in a stack.

"Sort by unit price" is very handy. Having it there for items that cannot be stacked is not even an issue worth discussing, since all it means is that the price displayed for "Price" and "Unit Price" are the same.

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