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Fleet Battles Round 1 Battle 2 Silenceo vs Beniboybling


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Now I feel bad for Beni, so time to swing this in another direction, and as much as I hate the consortium fleet, and how people focus on its positives without looking at the gaping negatives... I'll try help him out.


The Bling fleet (:D) has numbers, plain and simple. The buzz droids it possess are going to be a turning point in the fighter battle, along with his little corvettes, the fighter battle will barely tip in Benis favour, with barely any remaining.


Without fighters and bombers, it's harder to exploit the consortium weaknesses.


Benis ships outnumber Silenceos, and if his ships stayed at maximum range I can see him winning.


The Lusankya is slow, if beni's in a position where only a few of its guns can reach him, the. He can let the Merciless fire on the gun emplacements that ARE in range, along with a few of the mass drivers from other ships, and as the Lusankya comes closer it loses more and more guns.


With that slow process occurring, the rest of Benis fleets can go toe to toe with Silenceos, using his numbers advantage to whittle down the fleet from afar. Once the majority of the capital ships are down, and the Lusankya gets closer with its main battery compliments (too much for the merciless to handle) the fleet can move in and swarm the SSD, they'd make rather short work of it too, with its easy to hit Cityscape by way of Mass Drivers....

Edited by Selenial
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I think the buzz droids will only work against the first wave of TIEs, the rest will avoid that area, and with Beni's fleet moving forward that area of the battle will probably become pretty empty fairly quickly.


The IG-2000 could solo the rest, the star vipers wouldn't even be needed :jawa_wink:

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I think the buzz droids will only work against the first wave of TIEs, the rest will avoid that area, and with Beni's fleet moving forward that area of the battle will probably become pretty empty fairly quickly.


This, and the fact that my fleet will always be near the Lusankya so that they always have its support. But yes, the fighter battle i knew from the start it was only to delay his bombers and his own fighters.


Does anybody here know the range on the Lusankya's heavy concussion missile launchers? because if they have longer range than the turbo laser batteries, they could enter the fray much sooner and rip through the armor of the Vengeance frigates, evening the playing field for the rest of my fleet.


Other than that, what Selenial said about the estimations of what may happen sound about right.


Although, is it possible that IG-2000 might get caught in a tractor beam? i mean, i do have like 130 of those things laying around...

Edited by Silenceo
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2 IG-2000 failed against one Slave I.


Boba Fett is just too B@ for them.


Though, i am working on minimum fighter compliment....bah not worth the effort to try and get the full compliment *shrug*

Edited by Silenceo
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Already posted that Karadron, he is attempting to prove that the Lusankya's shields are weaker due to greater surface area. If it was from RL he might be right, but this is star wars after all, and them shields are not as weak as RL says they should be.


Also, i CAN compare a fleet of rebel ships, equipped with many many small ion cannons, to one ship with a much bigger ion cannon. They are both ion cannons, just of different size.


That was not much of a threat, as much as a question to the judges. You seem to think everything is a threat... And like i said, please PROVE how powerful your cannon really is, because from what i have seen both in the facts, and in the game mechanics, is that it CAN NOT one shot the shields.

They're are many different factors to take into account, which makes it an unreliable argument. The biggest being that we don't even know if the fleet took the shields down, just after Ackbar orders the attack some A-Wings just shoot at the shield domes and they blow up. Where the Executor's shields worn down throughout the battle? Or just weak?


And anyway people seem to be forgetting that this is mutually assured destruction we are talking about - both flagships will be destroyed. I don't see how that is unfair. If its the case that your fleet is too dependent on the Lusankya - which I believe it is, then that's simply a flaw in your makeup that I so happen to be exploiting.


And I've already proven it as best I can. Not only is the ion cannon pulse twice as large as that of the pulse fired from a planetary ion cannon, but the ship itself demands a far far larger reactor core to accommodate for engines, shields and the plasma cannon which it itself is capable of increasing its output. Which would suggest that it has more than enough energy to power a ion cannon twice as powerful as a planetary one.


Really I don't see why the weight of evidence is being placed on me, the only counter arguments are that the Lusankya's shields are strong strong and strong. Well the Merciless' ion cannon packs a pretty big punch as well.


Anyway, I may as well go ahead and put forward a few contingency plans:


1. The Merciless fires again - the flagships cannon can fire at a roughly 15 second rate. And given that it will have full shields and is itself a considerably armored vessel I doubt the Lusankya can take it down in time. Nor do I believe the shields can recycle that quickly, else the Executor wouldn't have succumbed to fire above Endor.


2. Bring along some Skipspray Blastboats - take a look at this picture. The Aggressor has an indent near the engines, I figure you could fit a pair or more in each and would be cloaked by the stealth field. Then when the Merciless appears above the Lusankya the Blastboats can rush in - with sensor jammers - and unleash a payload of concussion missiles and proton torpedos on the bridge as the ion cannon fires it.


3. If the Merciless goes critical - if the Merciless is forced to take option 1. and is destroyed in the process - but manages to destroy the bridge, the Lusankya will be vulnerable to trench run tactics. Some blastboats with bombers can swoop in and take it down the conventional way, but I doubt it will come to that.


P.S. When I talked about idle threats I was giving you some advice, explore another avenue of argument rather than attempting to get Rayla to nerf me enough for you to defeat me.

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So the Merciless is going to swing around Silenceo's fleet to get into position, while the rest of your fleet moves over the Lusankya and through the fleet?
Erm, in space you go can up and down. No need to go around, just dive under. If it goes beneath the enemy's ships it will be protected from fire, unless the Lusankya starts firing on its own ships. It can then follow that clear line of trajectory and safely move into position.


My fleet doesn't need to move anywhere.

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Also, won't the Lusankya notice you stealthing and be more Weary?

Besides, if you leave the Lusankya unchecked, there's the chance it'll do enough damage to your fleet in the time it takes your slow *** to get into position...


And also, the energy fluctuations to charge your weapon would likely be noticed by scanners, and as it's right by the bridge they'd probably re-route shields....

What can it do other than panic? Sure, release a spray of fire all over the place. I'm sure the friendly fleets above will appreciate the force of 5000 batteries smashing into their bellies. Other than that stealthed ships can't be detected, unless the Lusankya has a crystal gravfield trap I am unaware of?


And the Merciless isn't that slow, and given that the Lusankya is effectively moving towards it I doubt it will take very long. Essentially as soon as all its batteries are in range, the Merciless would be in position. I'd expecting to take losses, but I also feel my ships can recover from that by exploiting the enemies weaknesses of which there are many.


And the energy fluctuations will be disguised by the stealth field generator. Else you'd think they'd just scan for power sources when met with stealthed fleets wouldn't they?


While sensor jammers could leave a starship invisible to sensors, cloaking devices generated cloaking fields that completely absorbed all incoming sensor scans while shielding the host ship's emissions and reflected energy, thus rendering the starship invisible to both sensors and the naked eye.


I wonder who the first person will be to admit that this might just work...

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Now I feel bad for Beni, so time to swing this in another direction, and as much as I hate the consortium fleet, and how people focus on its positives without looking at the gaping negatives... I'll try help him out.
Yeah, this is what it really feels like to have everyone against you. Count yourself lucky. Regardless, I don't see the point getting back into this debate, its being discussed at length and I have no intention of continuing. Indeed it doesn't seem their is any hope of convincing any of you my plan will work, so I'll leave Rayla to decide. Edited by Beniboybling
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Erm, in space you go can up and down. No need to go around, just dive under. If it goes beneath the enemy's ships it will be protected from fire, unless the Lusankya starts firing on its own ships. It can then follow that clear line of trajectory and safely move into position.


My fleet doesn't need to move anywhere.


Yeah I know that, I was just trying to understand what you were saying earlier. Sooooo if I'm interpreting this right the Merciless is going over/under/around to get to the Lusankya's bridge.

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2 IG-2000 failed against one Slave I.


Boba Fett is just too B@ for them.


Though, i am working on minimum fighter compliment....bah not worth the effort to try and get the full compliment *shrug*

*Looks around for the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy flying one of the most deadliest ships of the era*


Nope, all I can see is flimsy TIE-fighters.

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Yeah, this is what it really feels like to have everyone against you. Count yourself lucky. Regardless, I don't see the point getting back into this debate, its being discussed at length and I have no intention of continuing. Indeed it doesn't seem their is any hope of convincing any of you my plan will work, so I'll leave Rayla to decide.


Nuh uh, I had everyone against me.


However here, I think youd win, I iust hate the Consortium fleets with a passion, so I'm a little biased...

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I was only pointing out the fact about the other ships for the basis that the only reason you the numbers advantage is due to the fact that the Lusankya is took much for you to be able to destroy. However, if you are able to stealth assassinate it so easily, that easily counters that argument right there.


If the destructive power gap is as small as you say it is, then why would you receive the additional ships at all, since it is not the consortium's tactics to just bludgeon into an enemy until it is dead?


Anyways, what i was saying before is that say my ships do continue onward even after the ranged sniping as stopped and the Merciless has disappeared, That would leave your fleet down their most powerful ship against my entire fleet. If you were to divert weapons to disable vast majority of the Lusankya's approaching guns, then that would leave the other vessels almost untouched, allowing them to focus fire effectively on the Keldabes.


Since the Merciless would have cloaked by this time, that would leave my bomber convoy to complete their secondary objectives, which is to destroy all mass drivers.


During this time the buzz droids likely will have been released and the dog fight will have begun, which would signal for my corvettes to begin firing on the star fighters.


It is hard to judge just by words how far from the fighters your corvettes will be, or if they will be behind the capital ships shooting out to the fighters. However, if they are in front of the capital ships, it would not take much diverting of firepower to tractor beam and destroy them using my Strike's. As soon as they are gone, my fighters will still be bloodied, but will be able to occupy your own fighters/bombers for even longer.


I estimate that around the time that the Merciless is in position to land a deadly blow, 1-2 Keldabes will be severely damaged with 1-2 losing shields. Also by this time, the Lusankya should be plenty close to unleash some of its main weapons, including its heavy concussion missile launchers which are highly effective against capital grade armor. Using these launchers i believe i would be able to make quick work of the Vengeance frigates *though i do not know, nor have i seen, an effective range for the launchers yet, any additional data here would be welcomed."


By the time the Merciless kills the bridge i would estimate about 1/3 of its weapons would already have been silenced by your capital ships disable its weapons as it came into range as well as 1-2 of my MK II's being in crital condition.


By this time the bomber convoy should have finished its first few rounds and annihilated all of the mass drives, and would begin bombarding some of the ships that still were in relatively good condition.


I predict that by this time the dog fight will be nearly over with heavy casualties on both sides, but if i was able to take the corvettes out early like i plan, then less of your own fighters would remain than my own, not many more, but still a few.


By this point the Merciless has nose dived into the Lusankya *though we never figured out how fast it would need to go to do so* Both fleets are tatters and lack a Flagship. HOWEVER, since your heavy firepower was absent for the majority of the fighting, you likely will have taken tremendous damage. While your Keldabes would likely of focused mostly on the MK II"s and the Lusankya, the Strikes should still be strong and the bombers at least a few still alive.


Crippled or destroyed Lusankya, but a victory nevertheless.

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Does anybody have an accurate idea of how powerful the cannon blasts will be? All we have right now is assumptions. For example, do we know anything about the reactor that it uses, or if it had any predecessors? Field tests? Or some such? Regarding the reactor, we have only assumed as to which it compares to, with no concrete facts.


Though one question does come to me, won't being in stealth for so long drain some of that energy you need to fire that cannon to devastating affect?

Edited by Silenceo
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I was only pointing out the fact about the other ships for the basis that the only reason you the numbers advantage is due to the fact that the Lusankya is took much for you to be able to destroy. However, if you are able to stealth assassinate it so easily, that easily counters that argument right there.


If the destructive power gap is as small as you say it is, then why would you receive the additional ships at all, since it is not the consortium's tactics to just bludgeon into an enemy until it is dead?


Anyways, what i was saying before is that say my ships do continue onward even after the ranged sniping as stopped and the Merciless has disappeared, That would leave your fleet down their most powerful ship against my entire fleet. If you were to divert weapons to disable vast majority of the Lusankya's approaching guns, then that would leave the other vessels almost untouched, allowing them to focus fire effectively on the Keldabes.


Since the Merciless would have cloaked by this time, that would leave my bomber convoy to complete their secondary objectives, which is to destroy all mass drivers.


During this time the buzz droids likely will have been released and the dog fight will have begun, which would signal for my corvettes to begin firing on the star fighters.


It is hard to judge just by words how far from the fighters your corvettes will be, or if they will be behind the capital ships shooting out to the fighters. However, if they are in front of the capital ships, it would not take much diverting of firepower to tractor beam and destroy them using my Strike's. As soon as they are gone, my fighters will still be bloodied, but will be able to occupy your own fighters/bombers for even longer.


I estimate that around the time that the Merciless is in position to land a deadly blow, 1-2 Keldabes will be severely damaged with 1-2 losing shields. Also by this time, the Lusankya should be plenty close to unleash some of its main weapons, including its heavy concussion missile launchers which are highly effective against capital grade armor. Using these launchers i believe i would be able to make quick work of the Vengeance frigates *though i do not know, nor have i seen, an effective range for the launchers yet, any additional data here would be welcomed."


By the time the Merciless kills the bridge i would estimate about 1/3 of its weapons would already have been silenced by your capital ships disable its weapons as it came into range as well as 1-2 of my MK II's being in crital condition.


By this time the bomber convoy should have finished its first few rounds and annihilated all of the mass drives, and would begin bombarding some of the ships that still were in relatively good condition.


I predict that by this time the dog fight will be nearly over with heavy casualties on both sides, but if i was able to take the corvettes out early like i plan, then less of your own fighters would remain than my own, not many more, but still a few.


By this point the Merciless has nose dived into the Lusankya *though we never figured out how fast it would need to go to do so* Both fleets are tatters and lack a Flagship. HOWEVER, since your heavy firepower was absent for the majority of the fighting, you likely will have taken tremendous damage. While your Keldabes would likely of focused mostly on the MK II"s and the Lusankya, the Strikes should still be strong and the bombers at least a few still alive.


Crippled or destroyed Lusankya, but a victory nevertheless.

This is making the erroneous assumption that I will fire on the Lusankya, I will not. It will lead to some losses but the losses will be necessary. Instead I'll be diverting fire to the bridges/shield generators of your Star Destroyers leaving them completely exposed. Followed by a swift and catastrophic bombardment of the SDs tiered structure which should eliminate the secondary bridges - causing the vessels to fail and leaving your other ships exposed.


Most specifically they will be exposed to my bombers which have sensor jammers, making them more able to avoid corvette fire and deal heavy damage, whereas your bombers have no such advantage, will be passing through a dogfight which is not in their favour, and will have to contend with mass drivers as well as conventional weaponry.


By the time the Lusankya is down I expect to have eliminated at least two of your three SDs and the bombers would have done some significant damage to your fleets. And while I may have also taken losses I expect rushing your vessels and engaging at point blank range with Ackbar Slash tactics will make up for these deficiencies. That and the fact that your shields will be falling at a fairly rapid pace.


But anyway, that's all I have left to say on the matter.

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