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Transporting while in ops occasionally causes uninterruptable auto-run


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I’ve only ever had this bug happen to me in ops since about 2.3, though I can’t say I’m 100% sure that it’s merely confined to them. This has occurred twice, once in S&V 16m SM and once in Dread Fortress 16m SM, and it also happened to another member of the party during the course of DF.


The first time it happened was on Styrack when I got sucked into the nightmare to fight my companion. Once he was dead, I exited the area only to find myself stuck running forward. Fortunately, I was on a Juggernaut, so I could still contribute some DPS, though I either had to hold my back key down to not move (and therefore not attack) or run in circles while I attacked (avoiding the box of death while the large apparition was out, etc). This persisted for a good 2.5 minutes before it was somehow cancelled.


The second time was yesterday on my Sage, when after wiping on the 2nd boss of Dread Fortress, I entered the quick travel portal, only to have my character immediately begin to run forward without my being able to stop the motion. I had to log out (and get then re-invited) to the group before the effect went away. A second person in the two had the exact same problem two pulls before, otherwise I would think that it was my own hardware.


I tried toggling my auto-run keybind, hitting the other direction keys, jumping, typing “/stuck,” getting pulled by a friendly sage to no avail. Either logging out or something unknown to me stopped my character from running.


The only common factors in my limited sample size seem to be 16m SM ops, everything else (faction, class, race, body type were different, though both were female characters).

Edited by Mugen_no_Jidai
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I have intermittently encountered this bug when being teleported into the desert during the first boss fight of SnV. More reliably, it happened two days ago almost every single time my raid group zoned in after respawning outside of the new Dread Fortress op following a wipe at the Gate Commander. It was happening to multiple members of my raid group as well.


What appeared to be occurring is that mouselook became permanently engaged and forward movement key (or auto-run) became permanently engaged. Furiously clicking both mouse buttons and mashing buttons on the keyboard seemed to clear it.


I can report that we encountered this bug in 8m SM and 8m HM ops groups, by the way.

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I experience this bug after going through the "vehicle portal" in Dread Fortress almost every time, if not 100% of the time. Others in the groups I have been in (three different raid groups) have also mentioned they were experiencing the same thing.
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