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Bugs/Problems/Oversights we encountered in Dread Palace


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Infernal Harvest

Difficulty: SM 16 Man


I know not all this goes to customer service, and I will drop this in the suggestion box to. Just putting them fully in both posts for convenience.


Bug: Dread Master Calyphys (or however you spell Boss 3's name in Dread Palace): After one wipe on the boss, the second time we fought the boss, none of his mechanics fired off. This, needless the say, may the fight a simple tank and spank, and clearly isn't intended behavior. All bosses should use their mechanics every time.


Bug: (Known bug) Dread Masters Final Confrontation cannot be completed due to "Unreachable" staying on. This one is known.


Problem: Dread Master Bestia fight: The larva due a very very large amount of damage, and the Dread Monsters hit like wet noodles that are also drunk. If this is intended behavior, it seems odd, since even healers could facetank the Dread Monsters without trouble, but two larva could wipe the raid. I think a happy compromise would be to boost the Monsters output while weakening the larva's melee attack. As it stands now, Phase 1 of the fight is far and away the hardest, and the other phases are sleepers.


Oversight: On Dread Master Tyrans, if someone falls, they have to run all the way back in. Additionally, if someone dies, and their tile falls, they have to run all the way back in for looting. Is there anyways to reset the bodies or have the bodies move to the entrance of the room after clearing so they can be rezzed, thus speeding up loot time, etc.

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Additionally, two things on Raptus fight.


Possible Bug: Raptus: after we had failed two healer tests in this fight, the boss stopped doing the "tests" and it became tank and spank. He had roughly 50% when this happened, so it seems to be a bug. If that is intended, then obviously there's no way to know/


Problem: Several people have said that on SM in full 72s min/maxed, it is nearly impossible to keep up the heal target for the healer challenge in this fight. Needs to be rebalanced.

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