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The Smuggler in SWTOR trailer alive?


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Ever since launch ive always wondered what happened to the smuggler that saved Satele and few other troopers , you guys remember him? like in the trailer he was arrested for stealing sith artifacts or something i forgot, well my questions...


1. Is this guy in the game? I havent seen him yet and im level 50.

2. what is this dudes name?

3. What happened after the Smuggler dropped into hyperapace? What did he do just drop everyone off at Corucant or something? Cause they left alot out of that trailer, like idk..... Were they escaped too? Are there books about this or something?

4. Do you think Katy Perry is hot?

5. Is he a part of the Smuggler story?

6. Is this the grandfather of Han Solo? If not they should add that in.

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His name is Nico Okarr - you can do a Google search on him since he's fairly popular, but everything I've dug up doesn't answer much about what happened "after". I haven't seen him in the game, though I've seen Satele and Malcolm (the trooper) which is a shame, since he's actually one of my personal favorite characters.


As for grandfather of Han Solo? Distant ancestor, maybe...

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I *think* T7-O1 mentions him during his Affection conversations with the Jedi Knight, since T7 was the astromech droid also shown during that trailer. Pretty sure he doesn't actually say whether Okarr's still alive or what he's up to now though.


It's been a while since I played my JK though so I can't say with 100% certainty.

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We don't really know much about the guy. His name is Nico Okarr, and he was arrested for smuggling Sith artefacts out of Korriban. My personal theory is that he was pretty notorious. You'll notice that his astromech droid is T7 - the same little guy we get as the first companion in the Jedi Knight story; however, T7's real owner was Ven Zallow (the Jedi Malgus duels and kills in the Decieved trailer), which leads me to believe that the Jedi actually tracked Okarr for a while and his arrest in the Return trailer wasn't something that happened by chance. We don't have any information what happened to Okarr after Return, but I assume he dropped Satele and Malcolm somewhere safe and probably made some deal with them - he saved them and in return they would let him go. I'm pretty sure he didn't fought in the war, or we would have heard about it.
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1. Is this guy in the game? I havent seen him yet and im level 50. No, but Armstech people can craft a mainhand pistol called Niko Okarr's Holdout Blaster, but it looks nothing like his.

2. what is this dudes name? Niko Okarr

3. What happened after the Smuggler dropped into hyperapace? What did he do just drop everyone off at Corucant or something? Cause they left alot out of that trailer, like idk..... Were they escaped too? Are there books about this or something? We don't know

4. Do you think Katy Perry is hot? Maaaybe

5. Is he a part of the Smuggler story? No

6. Is this the grandfather of Han Solo? If not they should add that in. You mean like Great x 3600? Maybe:P

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Tz tells the player that he has been working with *many* "partners", noit only one.


It's actually the very first - or one of the very first - affection-related dialogs you get with him.


Ven Zallow was merely one of many.

Ah, yes, of course. But do we know whether he was or wasn't with Zallow during the events of Return? I admit, I have not gotten to all of T7's conversations yet (I started playing as a Knight kind of soon, and I have been using only Kira, ignoring T7 and Doc), but from what I can remember from this same conversation, he came into Zallow's possession after he rescued him from a criminal (and non-violently convinced the dude to change his ways, how cool is Zallow? :p). The question is if this happened before or after Return?


I, at least, don't have a definite answer. But I still like the idea of the Jedi tracking Okarr and planting T7 as a "mole". Otherwise it's one hell of a coincidence - the Jedi happen to arrest Okarr during the time he happens to have T7 with him? The little guy probably felt really proud to be helping the Jedi in their investigtions, he admires them :) But, like I said, this is just a personal theory of mine, nothing more.

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Ah, yes, of course. But do we know whether he was or wasn't with Zallow during the events of Return? I admit, I have not gotten to all of T7's conversations yet (I started playing as a Knight kind of soon, and I have been using only Kira, ignoring T7 and Doc), but from what I can remember from this same conversation, he came into Zallow's possession after he rescued him from a criminal (and non-violently convinced the dude to change his ways, how cool is Zallow? :p). The question is if this happened before or after Return?


I, at least, don't have a definite answer. But I still like the idea of the Jedi tracking Okarr and planting T7 as a "mole". Otherwise it's one hell of a coincidence - the Jedi happen to arrest Okarr during the time he happens to have T7 with him? The little guy probably felt really proud to be helping the Jedi in their investigtions, he admires them :) But, like I said, this is just a personal theory of mine, nothing more.


It says on the wiki that Zallow planted T7 as a spy in the Galactic Underworld. As soon as Okarr got the artifacts, T7 alerted the republic and they sent Satele, her master, Malcom and another trooper.

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