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Roleplay Request: Jedi Master wanted to teach new jedi initiate/padawan


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So here's what I'm looking for: A Jedi Master, or maybe even multiple Masters, to train my jedi guardian through the entire process of becoming a jedi. This would start with her beginning as an initiate, learning the basics/fundamentals of the Jedi Code, fighting techniques and jedi doctrines before finally undergoing her trials (which we can come up with together, brainstorming and such) before she finally achieves the rank of Padawan. Afterwords she would be assigned a master, depending on how many I get interested she'll chose the one who she thinks has the most to teach. At which point the RP will become that of master and pupil with my jedi learning from her teacher, going on missions, and studying the force on various planets and through various exercises.


I'm open to the idea of a romance plot between master and pupil, though only if it doesn't become the main part of the plot. The RP should still revolve around being a jedi/the relationship between master and padawan.


My Jedi's name is Rivain-kan, feel free to message me in-game or better yet post on the thread if you're interested.


And now a little bit about my jedi herself. She is a bit prideful of her advanced abilities/strength and may often mistake that for being a good substitute for real skill. But she is eager to learn and has a hunger for knowledge, both about being a jedi and the galaxy itself. She is a natural fighter with excellent reflexes. She doesn't speak of her most recent past but will say that she grew up on Nar Shaddaa where she learned to fend for herself after her parents died, you may learn more of her past as time progresses in the RP.


Well that's it for me, hope to hear from folks soon. As always have fun, respect others, and may the force be with you!

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Wouldn't that rather put you at odds with one of the main precepts of being a Jedi?


Not if it is just a side-plot. Many jedi engage in romance who remain true to the core beliefs of the jedi order, Kenobi being the first one who comes to mind. He fell in love with a few women but never let his love cloud his judgement or his duty to the order.

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Not if it is just a side-plot. Many jedi engage in romance who remain true to the core beliefs of the jedi order, Kenobi being the first one who comes to mind. He fell in love with a few women but never let his love cloud his judgement or his duty to the order.

Were any of them his Padawans?

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This sounds like the organic type of RP I'm kind of looking for, and I would like to RP with you, unfortunately I play Sith.


Unless I can seduce you to the Dark Side of the force :cool: (Which has more to teach anyways).


I like to rp too, I have a girl sith if your interested

Edited by Tronnebula
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