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Suggestion: Update Idea.


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So, there are certain classes in this game that people like the idea of more than the feel of or the class they like most is just not competitive. However what if classes could merge.


We already have advanced classes, were people can follow a specific path weather they are consular looking to be melee bruisers in the Shadow or powerful spell casters in the Jedi Sage. This choice at the start of the game didn't just define what a lot of people found cool, it was the definition of their own play style from previous MMO's.


Frost Mages from WoW rolled out as sorcerers while the warrior community found comfort in the awesome charge merchanics of warriors.


SO what is my idea?


Hybrid classes.


This was/is meant to be a story driven game, its about progression of character story. In life though people never stop learning. A MMA fighter may choose to focus more on his Judo than his Muay Thai, while another fighter may focus only on Muay Thai.


Jedi, Sith, Agents, Smugglers, Troopers and Bounty Hunters.... They are all classes that in some respects represent the person behind the keyboard, but the branching out is limited. While a Marauder might beat another Marauder in a 1v1 duel, the only think that defines those two as different is their skill level, RNG or gear gained.


Allow us to advance our classes more.


Bounty hunters may learn stealth with the help of a operative in a joint story event while at the same time the bounty hunter returns the favour by teaching the operative how to effectively use a wrist flame thrower.


Jedi Knights may school Jedi Shadows in the art of force leap and in return the Shadows could teach them how to use Force Pull or another useful force ability.


What I'm trying to get at here is that in a world such as this were there is already so much choice, it would be cool to be able to develop our characters more. Of course the skills that are transferable would have to be looked because a Sith Warrior isn't going to learn Death from Above the same way a Operative is not going to run around using Force Storm.


Why couldn't vanguards have a story arc unlock able to them that requires them to join up with Jedi Knights and learn to use melee weapons. A lot of there abilities bring them up close and personal already, why not expand on it? I'm sure there are tons of abilities that could be transferred all over the place and its just another thing that would make the game "IN MY OPINION" even cooler.

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Interesting, but ultimately i fear it would bring homoginization of the classes providing an overall lack luster game play due to all classes ending up with many of the same ability, making each class feel very similar and not unique. I am sure it would be workable if you were to try and do something like that within a general class of say, the inquisitor. Perhaps the assassin teaches the sorcerer how to use shroud, and the sorcerer teaches the assassin how to use the force bubble.


However, anything that is not a base ability would NEED to be off-limits. Though, even this toned down version would cause lots of balancing to be needed and we all know how slow to balance Bioware can be.

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