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Kaggath Tournament - Dark Imperium vs Undying Brotherhood


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Please be aware that the scenario is merely a visual representation of the score and had no bearing on the final outcome. This is just one of many scenarios that could have occurred. And a pretty lengthy one at that.


The naval scenario:


In the opening stages of the Kaggath, Malgus dispatches Grievous with a fleet of 60 ships to scout the enemies’ defences, wary of possible traps on the Daragon Trail. Meanwhile he amasses the rest of his navy for a rapid assault and projects gravity well projectors just outside Korriban. Traya however, experiencing a vision fortelling of an imminent attack at the hands of General Grievous, dispatches Admiral Trench to mount a defence along with her personal assassin, Darth Maul, to deal with the General. Trench then proceeds to position an interdiction fleet in the middle of the Daragon Trail and prepares to pincer the incoming fleet.


As expected, Grievous falls straight into the trap and Trench ensnares him in a flanking manoeuvre. Grievous, caught completely off-guard and unable to mount a successful counter-attack falls back. However his retreat is cut short, as his exit route is cut off by a stealthed fleet. Darth Maul and a group of assassins on board the Scimitar infiltrates his cornered flagship, hoping to eliminate Grievous and capture information vital to the war effort. Intercepting Grievous in the hangar as he tries to escape on the Soulless One, Maul and the assassins attack Grievous. The General however makes short work of the assassins who devoid of any Force power to draw on and caught completely off guard by Grievous’ unorthodox lightsaber form. Maul on the other hand, although initially caught off guard by the General’s stunning fighting style is able to put up a staunch defence with his saberstaff and push the advantage.


However as Grievous nears defeat half a dozen Sith Warriors appear and rush to his aid and engage Maul, giving Grievous the opportunity he needs to escape and, using his expert piloting skills, evade the enemy fleet – jumping to hyperspace once out of range of the gravity wells. Grievous then quickly makes contact with Darth Malgus, informing him of an interdiction fleet on the Daragon Trail and the enemies’ stealth capabilities. Armed with this information Malgus dispatches several larger fleets across alternate trade routes before dispatching a series of fleets along the Daragon Trail, in hopes of slowly whittling down the enemies blockade.


Trench however is also armed with new information, now aware that the enemy is using Interdictors he has Santhe/Sienar bring up the schematics on the vessels and perceive its weaknesses, which he combines with the first-hand knowledge of his crewmen. What’s more Traya, who watching over the previous battle, divines several weaknesses in her opponent’s vessels as well as their tactics using her abilities in shatterpoint, and relays this information to Trench. Trench also has more interdiction fleets scattered across the trail to further impede the enemy.


The Imperium’s intentions revealed:


However this is all with the intention of softening up the Brotherhood and buying Traya time for the Imperium’s true goal. Gathering a handful of stealthed dreadnoughts Traya dispatches Maul and the Imperium’s armies on a course for Dromund Kaas. En route however they are waylaid by an interdiction fleet, but quickly disappear before the enemy can react, skirting round the fleet and continuing on their course. A small portion of the force led by HK-47 land and on Korriban in stealthed transports, providing a distraction and deceive Malgus to the Imperium’s true intentions. The force strikes hard and catch the enemy unawares, Sith assassins concealing themselves and the troopers by disrupting their Force sensitive opponents abilities to sense via wounds in the Force. Before entrenching themselves in the catacombs and forcing a protracted engagement with their enemies through stealth, ambushes and traps.


Malgus reacts to the invasion just as Traya expected, redirecting considerable portions of his army to crush the enemy as quickly as possible under the command of Ventress and Durge. However they find their enemy too entrenched and elusive to eradicate them completely. Ventress attempts to track them to their base of operations but falls into a trap and is ambushed by HK-47 who uses sonic screamers to temporarily stun and captures her with the help of assassins, bringing her to Malachor. Using the techniques of the Trayus Academy and the crushing weight of planet Traya breaks Ventress’ will and dominates her mind, transforming her into an obedient slave, but a hollow shell of her former self.


Meanwhile Trench holds off the enemy on the Daragon Trail and using his knowledge of the enemies’ weaknesses, interdiction fleets, highly advanced fighter wings and stealthed ambushes, slowly divides and conquers, dealing serious damage to the enemy and forcing them to send constant reinforcements into the bottlenecked killing field.


With her enemy suitably distracted and spread thin, Traya and Ventress join Maul over Dromund Kaas and begin the invasion. Dispatching him and her finest assassins to soften up Kaas City’s defences before deploying the main army. Outnumbered and caught by surprise the Brotherhood is overwhelmed and defeated. Reinforcements prove slow to arrive as Traya makes sure to jam the planet’s communications before landing, and by the time they do she has seized Kaas City and turned its weapons against them, proceeding to sabotage the enemies’ communications, sending the Brotherhood’s military into disarray with false information and broken communications and putting a stop to Malgus’ naval reinforcements from taking a path through the Unknown Regions without a single shot.

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The end-game scenario:


Infuriated by this turn of events Malgus has no choice to be retake the capital himself or lest face the complete collapse of his military force who have already suffered considerably casualties. Amassing what little remaining forces and fleets he has and is capable of contacting, Malgus mounts a full scale invasion on the planet. However many of his ships are ambushed and routed on the way and a sudden atmospheric strike on Korriban obliterates any possibility of reinforcements from the planet. Durge manages to survive the bombardment but is presumed dead and cut off from communication, and remains stranded on Korriban. Regardless Malgus charges Kaas City with all the troops he can muster and through superior tactical ability and intimate knowledge of the City’s defences manages to push the enemy back to the Citadel, however not before taking considerably causalities and being forced to kill his former ally, Asajj Ventress, who herself cut a bloody swathe through her unsuspecting opponents before falling.


After wading through a series of traps and ambushes within the Citadel, Malgus and a group of warriors finally reach the throne room to find Traya perched on the throne and Maul waiting at the foot of the steps. Drawing on the nexus of dark side energy surrounding the planet Traya unleashes Force drain on her opponents killing all but Malgus who is himself weakened. However he quickly recovers, turning the pain into rage and charging Traya, however he finds his path blocked by Darth Maul who engages him in lightsaber combat.


Initially Malgus is forced back by Maul’s impressive display but Malgus overwhelms his opponent through sheer strength in the Force and eventually his lightsaber is sliced in two. Realising he is outmatched Maul recklessly rushes the Sith Lord but is caught in a blade lock and slowly overpowered, but before Malgus can defeat him he is suddenly struck from behind by a powerful blast of Force drain at the hands of Darth Traya which saps away at his strength. Seizing Malgus’ momentary weaknesses Maul forces Malgus back and bats his lightsaber aside with a disarming slash before slicing him across the chest. Malgus collapses dead, once more defeated by an unseen blow.


The Dark Imperium is victorious.

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I neglected by solemn duty in the last Kaggath, but its back people!


Its the Quote of the Match!

The dreaded in-laws! Tell us, how did you escape?

It was turtles Beni a pair of them strapped to her feet.


But I think this deserves an honorable mention:

Raven, the daughter of Trigon has no such Navy I'm afraid... Though she might be able to make a ship with her mind.


If you mean Revan, then it's Sith Interdictors and Lol worthy fighters with no shields and two lasers.


Sorry Wolf. :jawa_wink:

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Victor: The Dark Imperium


Dark Imperium: 39


Undying Brotherhood: 32


The next matchup will premiere soon. Stay tuned


Thanks for debating! That is all.




Seemed closer, but that is still very close.

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If we could have it posted tomorrow instead of today, I'd appreciate it as a personal favour, I am quite busy.


I don't think the match will be over in a day...... and I just want to get a couple corrections out of the way its one of those just want to get a few things posted and then i am busy a bit of today as well I just am impatient about getting some things straightened out.

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