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LvL 50 quest for HM TFB


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Ok so I decided to give Commando healing a try and see what all the fuss about how they "aren't great healers" is. So I decided to lvl mine, with no relics at all and no augments I completed : @ 50 I healed SnV SM full clear, @ 52 began to do HM TFB. The major problem with trying to do this is getting a group, and since I didn't want anyone to think I got carried I tried to pug instead of using my guild. However I managed to get a group and a guildie that wasn't geared decided he wanted to do it with me, so we got into a pug group, killed first 2 bosses with 1 shots and then Op IX (the pug killer) got us, not for lack of heals though, we failed orange 3 times.. Anyway then I began to look again and did some SM content (Including SM TC ) between, then finally got to do SnV HM @ 54 which was good, got Dash down but Titan ate me alive with only 21k health, dem Lots of Missles lol... Finally I decided to try one more time before resets and got a few guildies to help me, pugged 1 tanks, 1 DPS and 1 healer ( Other healer and the DPS never did passed DG's HM) , and well @ 54 we killed Op IX and then I lvled to 55 on the killing blow of Op IX and then we killed Kephess. Took about 3 pulls on terror but it was late, people were tired and I had already lvled, so we just called it. Now the reason I posted this is not to get some " oh ****, he did it @ lvl ?? " but more for the simple fact to show that 1. Gear doesn't make a good healer, if your good, your good. If you suck all the gear in the world wont help you. 2. To show that a Commandos/Merc can do great as a healer, so don't look down on them like I hear so many people on this server do, they have great raid utilities and should be appreciated. If you have had bad experiences with Commando/Merc heals, it wasn't the class, it was the person controlling it.


Pics for proof -








Edited by M_o_s_e_s
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Here here! :rak_03:


I too had similar questions about the constant knocks on Commando healing especially after watching some Empire guild progressions streams/videos that included a Mercenary Healer. So, the Gunnery Commando I had I respec'd and regeared as a Combat Medic. I think they have some very useful utility and abilities. My main is a Scoundrel Healer, which I am happy with BTW, so it was interesting to see the differences with the Commando. I like the idea of heals that boost the tanks armor rating, supercharge cells kolto bomb to provide a temporary shield and residue to increase heals, skill that provides a free heal, skill that provides an instant heal.

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High five, Tco. I honestly hate doing content overgeared. Aside from NM progression, when I do any other raiding, I try to show up on a toon that doesn't overgear the instance I am running. Makes things much more fun and challenging.


And the point cannot be overstated, good players can outplay their gear to absurd levels. The gearing requirements mean almost nothing if you have a solid team.


And to the point of Commando heals, the best healer I have run with is a Commando. I believe we cleared every NM boss with him. That being said, he is a magical wizard, so YMMV.

Edited by izmirtheastarach
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I'd just like to point out that, as the other healer for the first 2 bosses of that tfb hm, I was on a 1 bar connection with spikes that would send me to red 'X's (and I also froze for a good 15 seconds during The Writhing Horror) up until the trash AFTER Dread Guards.. So I'm not saying this guy solo healed his way through the first 2 bosses of tfb hm on a lvl 50 commando healer.. but he certainly wasn't carried to say the least.
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