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Which arkanian relic is suitable for combat sentinel?


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Hi everyone, thanks for your help in advance! :)


My combat sentinel just reached 55 recently, yay! :D So far I haven't had any opportunity to run HM TFB for the underworld relic (no team would want a freshie anyway :rolleyes: ), nor run enough SM operations to have a chance on the Arkanian Serendipitous Assault Relic. But I have enough Basic Comms to get one Arkanian Relic - which one should I get?


Thanks! :D

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The two relics that would probably be most useful to you would probably be the serendipitous assault and then one that procs either force or kinetic damage. I'm thinking probably the kinetic one, but I could be wrong there. Don't get the tech damage one, as you shouldn't have stats that improve your tech damage. If you can't find the serendipitous(or can't seem to win a loot roll for it), get a clicky one that increases power by x amount. Remember that if you go with that one, you will have to make it a part of your rotation. Hope this helps.
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The two relics that would probably be most useful to you would probably be the serendipitous assault and then one that procs either force or kinetic damage. I'm thinking probably the kinetic one, but I could be wrong there. Don't get the tech damage one, as you shouldn't have stats that improve your tech damage. If you can't find the serendipitous(or can't seem to win a loot roll for it), get a clicky one that increases power by x amount. Remember that if you go with that one, you will have to make it a part of your rotation. Hope this helps.


OK thanks so much for your advice! :D I couldn't find a kinetic force damage proc relic (arkanian) from the vendor at fleet, so finally settled on a Relic of Dark Radiance. :cool:

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What i meant by that is the damage type. There is one for kinetic damage, one for tech, one for force, then I think there is a fourth one but I don't quite remember what it is. I would have to look at them again. But anyway, you would need to look at the descriptions of the relics to determine what damage type they do. For instance, it would look something like this:


Equip: Has a 30% chance to deal 510 kinetic energy damage whenever you damage an enemy. (or something to that effect)


I'm almost positive that you do want the kinetic energy damage, but I could be wrong here. It may be that you want the force damage one. And of course, as i said earlier, don't use the ones that say tech damage. Not that you can't use them, its just that your main stat (aka strength) doesn't help tech-based attacks. Only melee and force attacks, though force is not nearly as affected by your strength as melee.

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