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Seeker Droid mission Bugged


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I done that mission on two characters so i know what to do :cool:. But i decided to make anoter char ( whats new :rolleyes:). I did first part (4 seeds) destroyed some imperial base and got a secound part. In this one i need to find 3 seeds , got two of them easily. And the problems begins, becouse i need to find seed on Voss.

When i entered area of this quest my seeker droid prompted me he find someting :D after a few secounds he prompted me again that he does not see anything intresting in that area :confused:. I tried different places in mission area and my seeker droid prompted me several times that he do/dont detects something.

BTW i didnt go beyound borders of mission area.:rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:

Edited by Microbia
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Ok after countless tries to reset/abandon this quest i found a possible resolution.

I finished this quest by joining with :cool:my guildmate.:cool:

Funny thing is that he also got bugged but my seeker droid :Dworked perfectly:D

(:confused:like nothing ever happend.:confused:). I dont know what maked my droid to work, my guildmate or what. Meaby droid is bugging when Voss Loads i do not know :p

Edited by Microbia
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