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SW Ability Usability/Glitchiness


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I'm a bit curious if anyone's been having difficulty using some abilities. What I mean to say is when you click on abilities when they say they're ready; are you actually having them going off consistently?


For the most part I seem to do well but on occasion it seems some of my abilities seem very reliant on the animation before you can move on to do the next attack even if you have an ability off GCD, in effect not taking full advantage of an open time frame. It seems to happen to me a lot with things such as retaliate, disruption, ravage, Unleash & on occasion my force grip seems to glitch out too.


For example sometimes when I click on my force grip it wont actually apply its effect as if it missed however my character will continue to follow the animation of channeling it for the next 3 seconds and not permit me to use any attacks until it's done without ever having applied any damage.


Also as noted Ravage does well for the most part but it seems when it does happen that no matter how much I try to activate it that it will just get caught in an unending chain of doing the animation (again full animation without letting me do anything while it does it) without actually dealing damage or activating its CD time.


I haven't had these kind of issues with any other class so I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced issues of this kind as this is usually how I end up dying and certainly does not make it enjoyable to be unable to do what you know it should be doing.

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I'm a bit curious if anyone's been having difficulty using some abilities. What I mean to say is when you click on abilities when they say they're ready; are you actually having them going off consistently?


For the most part I seem to do well but on occasion it seems some of my abilities seem very reliant on the animation before you can move on to do the next attack even if you have an ability off GCD, in effect not taking full advantage of an open time frame. It seems to happen to me a lot with things such as retaliate, disruption, ravage, Unleash & on occasion my force grip seems to glitch out too.


For example sometimes when I click on my force grip it wont actually apply its effect as if it missed however my character will continue to follow the animation of channeling it for the next 3 seconds and not permit me to use any attacks until it's done without ever having applied any damage.


Also as noted Ravage does well for the most part but it seems when it does happen that no matter how much I try to activate it that it will just get caught in an unending chain of doing the animation (again full animation without letting me do anything while it does it) without actually dealing damage or activating its CD time.


I haven't had these kind of issues with any other class so I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced issues of this kind as this is usually how I end up dying and certainly does not make it enjoyable to be unable to do what you know it should be doing.


I found something similar to my bounty hunter. The flamethrower cast bar will go off but no attack or animation will go off and I have to press it again, sometimes more than that to have it go off. Same with the rapid fire ability. Made a ticket about it and they said they will send this to the correct department.

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The UI is incredibly buggy with the hotkeys, especially for off-GCD abilities. In closed beta, it was actually 100% fine up until the point where they added the ability queuing. Since then it's been screwed up.


Minor workaround: whenever an off-GCD ability is "locked out" and simply won't activate, hit a generic on-GCD ability like Assault, and try it again. The on-GCD ability will typically seem to "clear" whatever the issue is.

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the ONLY issue have have with the ability usage is the that the ability queuing doesnt work when you queue up an ability, but the target dies before it gets used, then you switch to the next target ... it doesnt execute the ability (which is a very minor issue anyway)


other than that, i have had not issues at all, with off gcd abilities or anything

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