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grrr so over these random disconnects!!


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As title says.. happens multiple times a session and i'm bloody sick of it GAH!!!..


NO it's not my router, pc, client or anything else MY END, I've done every single trouble shooting solution there is and the issue remains (YES I've even reinstalled client AND windows YES ALL DRIVERS/FIRMWARE ARE UP TO DATE)


Not connection as I've had ISP test is numerous times, all ok and this only happens with this game. Lag is ok (sits around 200-230'ish on FTTH in australia to harbinger).


What happens (and happened few minutes ago) is I can be playing normally doing my thing, client just locks up.. nothing happens (think MASSIVE lag spike here) then BOOT, "you've been disconnected from server.".. think error code is 1003.. will have to pay attention next time. I whole heartedly doubt I will get a BW response (beyond the usual cut/paste "post in support, do this do that etc etc) but eh here's hoping.

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If you keep losing connection but everyone else on the same server doesn't then it IS your end.


Is your master socket recent? What about extension wiring in your house?


I have had ISPs tell me there is nothing wrong with the line when there's so much rain getting in to the street cabinet I can't get a connection at all.


Or it could be those undersea cables.

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Why do people still think that the internet works like this:


  1. Game creates data
  2. Computer weaves data into an unbreakable chain
  3. Computer puts data into wire or shoots it through the air at a router
  4. Router pushes data through internet tube to ISP
  5. ISP implements flawless teleportation to make data appear at server


Note: The amount of time between when the data leaves your PC and gets to your ISP is (hopefully) only a small fraction of the work involved in getting it to the server. There will be anywhere from 4 to 20 (eek..) transfers that occur between your ISP and Bioware's server network. If something happens anywhere along that line, you can get service disruption and it won't be Bioware's fault at all. It might not even be your ISPs fault.


Remember: You're sending data across the world in a couple hundred milliseconds. There should still be some level of amazement in that feat. It might be another decade or two before we can do trans-oceanic network links that never corrupt packets and always have uniform delivery times. Until then... sorry. That's one drawback to playing games on servers that aren't local.


Yes, I know that's not your fault. Yes, I know you constantly get screwed on this. No, it's not Bioware's fault either. No, it's probably not your ISPs fault. Feel free to take it up with the owners of the trans-oceanic links, or maybe the owners of the trunk routes in Singapore or Hong Kong or Japan or San Francisco who are routing across the link.

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Duuuuude, i get it alot. Last night was horrendous. Ive noticed if i play and my wife watches a youtube vid or any website with a small video window then my connection drops. Some days its fine others they are jsut way off the scale.


Tell me what is the highest ping in game youve seen? My record is 178053ms there abouts. After that everything went dark and i woke up in hospital :eek:


As title says.. happens multiple times a session and i'm bloody sick of it GAH!!!..


NO it's not my router, pc, client or anything else MY END, I've done every single trouble shooting solution there is and the issue remains (YES I've even reinstalled client AND windows YES ALL DRIVERS/FIRMWARE ARE UP TO DATE)


Not connection as I've had ISP test is numerous times, all ok and this only happens with this game. Lag is ok (sits around 200-230'ish on FTTH in australia to harbinger).


What happens (and happened few minutes ago) is I can be playing normally doing my thing, client just locks up.. nothing happens (think MASSIVE lag spike here) then BOOT, "you've been disconnected from server.".. think error code is 1003.. will have to pay attention next time. I whole heartedly doubt I will get a BW response (beyond the usual cut/paste "post in support, do this do that etc etc) but eh here's hoping.

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What happens (and happened few minutes ago) is I can be playing normally doing my thing, client just locks up.. nothing happens (think MASSIVE lag spike here) then BOOT, "you've been disconnected from server.".. think error code is 1003.. will have to pay attention next time. I whole heartedly doubt I will get a BW response (beyond the usual cut/paste "post in support, do this do that etc etc) but eh here's hoping.


Well, you certainly are not going to get a customer support response in general forum.


Harbinger does have it's performance issues at times, but disconnects in my experience is not one of them (unless the server has crashed). In fact, I have found the SWTOR client to be very resilient to latency issues on the server side. I rarely ever see an actual disconnect.. even when the latency on the servers spikes so high that the indicator on the client shows a red x (ie: lost connection). I have literally seen that red x a couple times for over a minute and the client and server resolve it without a disconnect. Different PCs react differently to the same exact circumstances though.. /shrug.


I play on Harbinger at all different times of day, and unless the server is ill, I just don't see high latency, much less disconnects. I do not however play during the normal Aussie play times... and those times also correspond to when the West Coast here is a sleep. It is also the time of day when the various IT teams managing the various internet backbones on the West Coast are most likely to be tinkering and tweaking with their hardware, settings, and other performance tweakage.

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Yeah pretty annoying. My ping on The Progenitor has been higher than normal and has pretty bad jitter, and I know its not my ISP.


To make things worse I got randomly booted off the server 3 times last night, with the 3rd time resulting in me not being able to log back onto the server (could login to the game fine). Had to call it a night... falling asleep when you go to bed angry and frustrated is not easy:mad:

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