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Smuggler and Agent warzone stuck problem.


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  • 7 months later...
this is REDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For over a year now waiting for a fix to this problem. At least create an over write so that it doesn't ruin game play for agents. Whenever I use the scamper and then get knocked back or pulled back I am frozen in place until I am killed and then I am stuck in the respawn spot until kicked from the game. THIS MAKES THE CHARACTER UNPLAYABLE IN WARZONES. Please fix this instead of working solely on introducing new content.
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  • 2 weeks later...
is there a chance that sometime in your fracking celebrity want to be status that you fracktards could put the petal to the fracking metal and fix this sharting bug. I fracking get stuck every G D day that I play my character in a wz. You obviously have lots of exciting new content you want to get us to invest in... but, you obviously don't give 2 sharts about the broke aspects of the game. Fix it or end it.
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