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The Rise of Darth Maul


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This takes place during Darth Maul's defeat at the hands of the dark lord Sidious. However, instead of Sidious strutting from the shuttle, a republic transport consisting of 4 jedi enters the palace


note: If there is some plot hole I am not aware of, or if it is poorly written in any way, forgive me, as this is just my first fanfic ;)




"Shall I pursue the intruders?" asked Opress. there was a peculiar eagerness in his question, an eagerness shared by his master.


"Yes, but you must be silent, like a wraith, closing in when the time is right."


"As you command, my master," remarked Opress, in a loyal tone. Maul had trained his apprentice well, and he is always on his guard, prepared for the day Savage tries to claim the mantle of dark lord from him. But he would not be able to do so now, his strength had not yet reached Maul's own. At this point however, Maul focused on the task at hand. His thoughts were disturbed by the sudden ringing of blaster fire, as his death watch guards engaged the strike team.



"OPEN FIRE MEN," yelled the death watch captain. As the battle ensued, their adversaries drew lightsabers hidden under their dark robes. while most of the shots were deflected, one managed to strike its target, hitting one of the jedi's hands, specifically the hand that wielded his lightsaber. The mandalorians focused there fire on the wounded jedi, and he was quickly slain. Another jedi threw his lightsaber, in an incredibly precise manner, quickly disposing of three of the death watch guards. The captain immediately recognized this foe as the most powerful of them, and decided his main priority would be to eradicate the lesser opposition. Despite that he had as many adversaries as allies, he refused to give up.


"You will pay for what you did!" screamed one of the jedi. he recklessly charged into the fray, ready to cut down any mandalorian to get caught in his wild heaves.


The mandalorian captain used this to his advantage. he lobbed a grenade at the offending jedi, catching him completely off guard. The explosion caused him to be blown off the edge, blasted into oblivion. The remaining two jedi removed their cloaks, revealing themselves. One appeared to be a Kel Dor, whom he previously recognized as the most dangerous threat, and a human female, attractive, yet calm and collected. She deflected a shot fired from her opposition back to its source, effectively ending the unsuspecting warrior's life. At this point, the captain had no hope of survival. It was then that he noticed a weapon on the ground, one that was used by the jedi he previously killed. He picked up the weapon, and engaged the combatants.


His skill with the blade caught the woman off-guard, thinking a non force-sensitive wouldn't stand a chance against a jedi. But where she had precognition, this mandalorian was personally trained by vizla in blade combat, and had the experience to back it up. They had a quick sequence of clashes, until the Kel Dor unleashed a powerful push of energy towards the captain. He was blasted back into a wall, and it was then that he noticed he was the last that remained.


The blast had caused some bones to break, and he was helpless at the hands of the Jedi. "You think you've won?" laughed the captain. "There are still thousands of mandalorians left on this planet, and our leader is still alive. You won't leave this place."


"there is no death, only the force," remarked the Kel Dor. The captain slumped over, beaten and dead. The remaining jedi entered the palace. There was an elevator, and they noticed it lead directly to the throne room. "keep your guard up, apprentice."


"You need not worry master Plo, for a jedi is always prepared," she replied.


Unfortunately, she was not prepared for the events to unfold. They entered the throne room, only to find nothing. The throne was empty, and the palace had a faint echo that bellowed whenever a word was spoken. But then...


" I can sense something. Like a faint essence of the dark side," said Master Plo, in a cautious manner. The essence felt to be getting closer, until a figure leaped out of the darkness to strike them, saberstaff in hand. Such a maneuver caught them completely off guard, and the woman only lasted a few blows before falling to this foe's unprecedented strength. Plo engaged this new opponent, only to find that his ability with the lightsaber almost equaled his own. They dueled to a standstill, until the Kel Dor unleashed another powerful shove of energy. His opponent hit the wall, creating a force barrier that protected him just in time from breaking bone. But throughout this fight, there was another presence, one more powerful than that of which he was already facing...


"Where is your master?" inquired master Plo in an agitated tone. Too many jedi were needlessly slain, and he need not carry on this pointless duel. He had to finish what he had started, so that his comrades' deaths were not in vain.


"My master shall appear, all in due time," said the assassin, his words sounding almost gleeful. they continued their bout for but half a minute longer,and Plo Koon was lifted up into the air, and thrown into a wall. It was at this time that he noticed another zabrak, and he instantly recognized him as the master. The zabrak had a surprised look on his face.


"Master Plo, it is an honor to meet you, and an even greater one to do so on the field of battle," stated the zabrak, and Master Plo was puzzled. Whether it was genuine respect or masked deception, he did not know.


"Who are you, Sith?" asked Master Plo


"I am Darth Maul, a Dark Lord of the Sith, and this is my apprentice, Savage Opress," replied the sith lord. Upon this confirmation, Plo had his guard fully prepared to unleash whatever was necessary. "Prepare to meet your end."


Plo's first action was pulling his fallen ally's lightsaber into his waiting grasp. While he was not as proficient in the use of Jar'Kai as Djem So, it was his only hope for survival. The two sith engaged Master Plo, and the battle began. Darth Maul stroke with speed and precision, unlike his brother, whom relied purely on brute strength. This deadly combination would be the end of the master, if any mistakes were made.


Plo Koon blasted Opress back with a telekenetic blast, and proceeded to focus his attention on Maul. They had a quick exchange of blows, until Opress flew back into the onslaught, catching the master off-guard. He was overwhelmed quickly, and his blades cast aside. Bent on one knee, he channeled the force throughout his body, his gauntlets further augmenting his power. He unleashed an extremely potent force wave, sending the brothers flying across the throne room. He took this time to further channel his power. This time the two Sith watched their guard, progressing more slowly, so the master would have no extra tricks up his sleeves. How wrong they were...


The brothers' tactic was dumbfounded, when a blast of lightning erupted from Plo Koon's hands. Completely surprised, the lightning knocked Maul's blade from his hand, and Opress was rendered unconscious, due to his lack of knowledge in tutaminis. Maul on the other hand, was given a brief lesson of the skill by his former master, Darth Sidious. He was only able to hold it off for a few seconds, but that was all he needed. His defenses were overwhelmed, but when the lightning came in contact with his flesh, it brought minor pain, like a magnaguard's electrostaff.


Darth Maul then knew: Master Plo had run out of energy. The unsuspected attack was the only hope he had left. Maul lifted the tired jedi off the ground, and crushed his breathing mask, wishing him to die a slow and painful death. The master had but half a minute, maybe less, to survive. The master retrieved his lightsaber, as did Maul, and they engaged in combat. Master Plo's attacks were slow and reckless, and Maul easily parried then, and threw the master back with a force push. At that moment, the master pulled an attack that surprised Maul, his weakness but a ruse.


Plo threw his lightsaber with stunning accuracy at the unconscious zabrak. Maul threw his own lightsaber to try and deflect the descending blade, but it only barely knocked it off course. The blade left a size-able gash in Opress's chest, waking him up from his predicament. As he screamed with pain, Maul redirected his blade towards Master Plo, and decapitated him.


"Aid me brother!" yelled Opress, a passionate rage in his voice.


"Don't worry brother, for you have ample time to be saved," replied Maul. "I am Darth Maul, true Lord of the Sith, and the jedi shall be destroyed."





any comments? i'd love feedback

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While I appreciate somebody holding Plo Koon so highly, this encounter seems unlikely. I could elaborate on Plo Koon vs. Savage, but I won't now.


However, if anything, this would play out like Anakin and Obi-Wan vs. Count Dooku, where the latter is equal or superior to one, but inferior to the other.

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While I appreciate somebody holding Plo Koon so highly, this encounter seems unlikely. I could elaborate on Plo Koon vs. Savage, but I won't now.


However, if anything, this would play out like Anakin and Obi-Wan vs. Count Dooku, where the latter is equal or superior to one, but inferior to the other.


yeah i know the encounter is unlikely, but iv'e seen people do crap like vitiate vs nihilus. Anyway, i kinda wanted to add Plo's electric judgement into the battle, as I wanted to make it interesting (since he would be no match for both brothers, he could catch them off guard with lightning)


Anyways, in a Savage vs Plo situation, I think Plo would ultimately win. They both seem to specialize in Djem So, but savage's fighting style is too brutish, and can be exploited. In the force, savage has raw power as an advantage, but Plo Koon has his gauntlets which further augment his power, plus his electric judgement, if he chooses to use it.

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Anyways, in a Savage vs Plo situation, I think Plo would ultimately win. They both seem to specialize in Djem So, but savage's fighting style is too brutish, and can be exploited. In the force, savage has raw power as an advantage, but Plo Koon has his gauntlets which further augment his power, plus his electric judgement, if he chooses to use it.


Plo Koon and Savage have dueled before, but Savage ended up winning. Note that it was not through martial prowess. It is implied that Plo Koon has the advantage, but his only disadvantage is what caused his defeat.


That and an idiot Clone who thought shooting a behemoth with a lightsaber at point-blank range was a good idea.

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Plo Koon and Savage have dueled before, but Savage ended up winning. Note that it was not through martial prowess. It is implied that Plo Koon has the advantage, but his only disadvantage is what caused his defeat.


That and an idiot Clone who thought shooting a behemoth with a lightsaber at point-blank range was a good idea.


Yeah but if Plo used electric judgement, he'd stomp, as savage has no knowledge of defending against lightning

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Plo Koon and Savage have dueled before, but Savage ended up winning. Note that it was not through martial prowess. It is implied that Plo Koon has the advantage, but his only disadvantage is what caused his defeat.


That and an idiot Clone who thought shooting a behemoth with a lightsaber at point-blank range was a good idea.


I was wondering what episode of the clone wars this was i just don't recall the episode or was it in a book or something?

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