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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Looking to transfer


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Hey all, I'm looking to transfer here and I'd like to get into a guild (or at least talk to some guilds) before jumping over.


I have a few toons I can bring over, though it will probably be one at a time.


1) Juggernaut DPS: This has been my main since launch, min/max 69/72 gear, I haven't been playing for a while but I think he's pretty easy to pick up.


2) Sniper DPS: I really neglected him once he hit 55, wearing mainly 69-ish stuff, I wouldn't mind playing him.


3) Gunslinger DPS: Same boat as the sniper, but he's in blue 66's.


4) I'll roll a toon; I can't guarantee he'll be power leveled, but if there are any guilds looking for serious raiders that need something specific, I'd be willing to talk about certain roles.


Feel free to PM me on here, probably the easiest way to catch me.

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Should check Grievance out at http://www.grievancegaming.org/ we are a helpful family community.We accept all 18+

If grievance looks like what you want you can Contact me in game on Either Pryona or Huulruk

offcers are



Raid Leader-Huulruk

Recruit Officer-Lordrolo



^^^all will be able to answer any questions you have

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Check out Shifted. We are rebuilding and are shortt of DPS. Sounds like you would fit right in.


you can send me a messege or if you transfer send an in game messege to me Avisius

or Otherjugg

and Kai'Devil


we are casual guild that are building to run HM ops. We pug and run with other guilds but would like to get a full ops group to start running again before to the new content comes out. when you transfer over we would like to have you come raid with us to see how you feel about us.

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Hammerfist Clan is always open to new members. We accept all levels of characters and players. New or old to this game, we would love for you to join our gaming home.


Hammerfist Clan is a casual dual fraction adult only guild. Our guild itself supports multiple MMOs, with a very active forum and our own mumble channel. We understand that real life comes first and we want you to just be able to play with your friends without worrying about minimum time commitment to a game. We have leveling groups as well as run end game content, the most important goal is to always have fun together. There is an application process, but I promise you it is not that hard (they accepted me!)


Our website: http://www.hammerfistclan.com


Our recruitment thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=534302


Good luck in your search!


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