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Grouping Bugs I have noticed (Redux)


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Since the first post got deleted somehow I'm going to post this again.


A friend and I run with each other a lot. We've noticed a few bugs and would like the community to know about them / see if we are the only ones experiencing these bugs.


1. It seems that if one of us is AFK long enough to auto-log then when he comes back the other will perceive his health bar as always full. Example: If I auto-log out when I log back in my healer buddy can't tell how low my health is cause my bar is full to him . Logging completely out of the game fixes this until it happens again.


2. This has only happened with me so far and not with him. On certain item pick up missions I only get one of the items to complete the mission. He will be done and I'll still only have one. Dropping group until I pick up all the items will fix this.

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