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Understating High Level Armor Appearance


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At high levels, is it possible to craft or obtain armor that has great stats but appears to be simply a cloak and hood? Or are there slots or items that allow you to modify your appearance?


For example, the Return of the Jedi Emperor-look for a level 50 Sith Sorcerer. Or a cloak that conceals the bulky shoulder pads of a Sith Juggernaut. Even if I were playing a Jedi Knight, I would likely prefer a more monastic, simplified look, with somewhat less ostentation.


I completely appreciate and understand the desire to have rather flamboyant high level armor, but I am hoping there is a game mechanic that will allow me to go for a significantly understated appearance without sacrificing stats.

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Without going into Epic (Purple quality) items, all you need to do is look for a Customizable (Orange Quality) item that has an appearance you're attracted to.


The Customizable items start dropping around level 10 right up to level 50, with the lower level versions looking more simple, and the higher level versions looking a lot more fancy.


The beauty of these items is they're just a shell, its the modifications you put inside them that gives it armor value, and statistics.


So basically, all you have to do is find a lower level version of the looks you want, and continue to update their stats to keep yourself going.



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