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Story line stalled on Taris


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When the game starts you have a nice narrative showing your place in the story line. Mine stalled some time ago (now level 30) and I'm unable to go back and 'finish' the quest so the narrative would be up to date.


It is stalled on Taris trying to heal Master Cin Tykan. The Dark Plague scenario. I have some encrypted data that I am suppose to take somewhere and deliver to someone. The maps now show nothing as I unwittingly deleted the quest when I was trying to make some room for some newer higher level ones.


Any thoughts on getting un-stalled?

Edited by SirDon_
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You deleted your class quest? I didn't think that was possible. Are you sure it isn't just untracked? There should be a "track" option somewhere on the quest page. That will make the map pointers come back. Edited by PLynkes
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It's not possible (barring a major glitch of some kind). I once accidentally ended up with two class quests open at the same time (no idea how) and Customer Service wouldn't delete one for me, so I re-did about half of Chapter Two to clear it from the log.


Note that it is possible to abandon a planet's story mode quest, and I think some of those are permanent (the game warns you when you try).


As previous poster said, you probably just untracked it.

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There are two things i can think of that might help. The first being: Right click your character icon and select--> Reset Active Phases. The second: Look in your quest log and try to find the quest, then reset it.


If it really isnt in your log places you might try: Your ships holocom.


Hope this helps!

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Most likely, you un-tracked your class mission. Open your "Mission Log" by clicking on the mission triangle on the "Menu Panels" bar at the top of the screen (number 9 in the picture under "Understanding the User Interface": http://www.swtor.com/info/newplayerguide/chapter-three.) Once you do that, look for a section called "Class." Click on the mission under that section, then click "Track."


If I'm not mistaken, the class mission you are on is called "Rakghoul Invasion." There is a guide to it at http://www.torhead.com/mission/8dCqMis/rakghoul-invasion. You are supposed to return the encrypted data thing to Captain Nelex in the Republic Expeditionary Force HQ next to the starport.


Sometime during this mission, you are supposed to get a holocall. If the next step of the mission states to call someone and you do not receive a call, reset your Active Phases like mentioned earlier. I had to do that once for a planetary mission.

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