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[Bug Report] Other Players Companions Talk Instead of Mine


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Hello all. Sorry for the blunt approach but honestly, that's exactly what I am experiencing...


Basically, whenever I have a player next to me, with a character who's class is the same as mine, with the same companion as me summoned, the other person's companion does the talking, whenever I right-click on MY companion. Mine doesn't move his lips or does any talking at all and when I move away, I can barely hear anything my companion is supposed to say, since the one doing the talking is like 100 meters away from me already.


The only fix I've come across, even though it's not much of a fix, is to summon another companion and be sure that no one else has the same companion as mine summoned.


Even though it's not exactly game breaking, I find it annoying, especially since I like to walk on foot, listening to companions comment on stuff and this situation is NOT allowing me to do such. If anyone is experiencing a similar issue or came across a solution, I'd appreciate it.


Thank you for reading. :cool:

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Usually if a player of the same class has the same companion out as you, that companion targets you instead of his master (Target of target). Might be related to that?


If it was, wouldn't there be more people affected by this issue?


I even created a new character, on another server, to see if it was somehow related to my legacy but the issue popped up the moment I unlocked Mako. Going to try next week on a different computer, on someone else's house, to see if any good comes out of it but I doubt it.


Again, it's not game breaking but it surely is annoying.

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