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<ARC> Pub PVP Guild lf Members


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Advanced Recon Commandos is a friendly, laid-back Star Wars™ gaming community founded in July 2010 by Mom on Star Wars: Republic Commando. Over the years, our clan has been made strong by the contributions of many groups and individuals alike. Membership is available to anyone interested in continuing our tradition of dedication, loyalty and respect.


Creed: "To offer a drama-free, small clan atmosphere for those who share our passion for Star Wars gaming."


We have about 20 active, chill members levels 50+ in our roster. Daily runs and premades are executed as people are available, whereas when 2.4 is released our 4v4 Ranked Arenas will have planned practices and scrimmage dates.


Officer and standard positions are available. Message Traumatic ingame, or reply here if interested! Visit us at http://www.moralgaming.com


-Thank you!

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